Calculating Nutritional Value of Recipes

Calculating Nutritional Value of Recipes

Wouldn’t it be great if all of your clean meals came with the nutritional breakdown just like the packaged foods? It would surely make tracking macros easier! Well, that is not the case so we must get just a little more scientific here and this is where my...
How Much Should a Fitness Model Weigh?

How Much Should a Fitness Model Weigh?

Perception… our perception IS our reality and the great news is that you can change your perception and therefore change your reality. Essentially, you can change your LIFE! I held a little contest yesterday… guess my weight. If you missed it, check out my Stephanie...
Have you ever been touched by an angel?

Have you ever been touched by an angel?

Have you ever looked back on your life and wondered why you crossed paths with certain people…. some of these encounters were brief and some of these encounters were lasting. Back on April 20th of 2007, we (hubby, daughter, and me) traveled to Corpus Christi to watch...
Fitness Competition Prep 5 Weeks Out

Fitness Competition Prep 5 Weeks Out

How many of you are getting ready to compete in the next few weeks? How many of you are wondering if you are going to “make it”? If you have read my previous blog posts about my fitness journey and more specifically about my competition journey, you know I had a...
The New Me

The New Me

I am so proud of my mom… I have watched her struggle with her weight my entire life and nothing makes me happier than seeing her looking and feeling great! Thank you, Mom, for sharing your fitness journey with us… Since childhood I have struggled with...
WBFF Fit and Firm Magazine Interview

WBFF Fit and Firm Magazine Interview

Download the pdf: Stephanie Keenan Fit and Firm Interview ALL MY LIFE I HAVE ALWAYS LIKED “SMART!” I personally respect and admire those who have more to tender than a pleasing exterior. Please don’t get me wrong, “I dig pretty” and I have shoot tons of “pretty girls”...
Holiday Motivation

Holiday Motivation

I have a little secret… just about all of us are struggling this week. There are a number of factors that are affecting some or maybe even all of us RIGHT NOW… Do any of these sound like you??? Feeling puffy and bloated from the holiday festivities....
Just Breathe

Just Breathe

So I’ve been telling myself that I’m going to start taking some yoga to help me relax, stretch, meditate, and just clear my mind.  I’ve been saying this for the past three months, and I got tired of putting it off.  After all, I should be somewhere near the top of my...
How Do You Eat An Elephant?

How Do You Eat An Elephant?

There is a book out there called “How Do You Eat An Elephant?  One Bite At A Time!” by Bill Hogan.  It was written for business managers on how to apply some fundamental business principles. This concept also applies to us, our lives, our personal and/or career...
Fairy Dust

Fairy Dust

Are you looking to add kale into your life, but don’t know where to start? Do you get a little nauseated when you think about that chewy green smoothie you oh-so- bravely blended with kale for breakfast one morning? Are you trying to find ways to get your kids to...
Life is a Precious Gift

Life is a Precious Gift

“Remembering that I’ll be dead soon is the most important tool I’ve ever encountered to help me make the big choices in life. Because almost everything – all external expectations, all pride, all fear of embarrassment or failure – these things just fall...
Just Do It!

Just Do It!

Many people often ask me how I lost the 70+ pounds that I gained when I was pregnant with my daughter. I had a friend recently comment to me, “I don’t know what’s more impressive:  the fact that you gained 70 pounds when you were pregnant or the fact that you lost 70...
2011 WBFF World Championship Recap

2011 WBFF World Championship Recap

I recently competed in the 2011 WBFF World Championships. This was by far the toughest competition I have ever competed in and the first time I have ever REALLY put myself out there. I have pushed my limits in other areas of my life such as completing the US...


Earlier this week, a good friend of mine was talking about how great it is when something wonderful happens unexpectedly. It reminded me of one of my all-time favorite words, serendipity. According to Wikipedia: “Serendipity is when someone finds something that...
Giving Back

Giving Back

I really wanted to start “giving back” this year, and during my research, I came upon Back on My Feet (BoMF). I wanted to have more human interaction than stuffing envelopes or other logistical duties, but I wasn’t looking for a counseling-type position either. BoMF...

Summer Holiday Weekend Strategies

My vacation diet strategies are all based on enjoyment, balance, and feeling satisfied. Who wants to spend their weekend feeling deprived (angry), cheating (guilty), or cheated (regret)? My thought process goes a little something like this… Which foods, drinks, and...
Holiday Weekend Workouts

Holiday Weekend Workouts

Do you worry about maintaining your fitness and nutrition during holiday weekends? With all the tempting BBQ fare, tasty beverages, and pool or beach time, a little anxiety can set in. I have been competing for over 4 years now, and every year I add new techniques to...
Fitness Model Muffins

Fitness Model Muffins

Maintaining a great physique all year long is a must for a fitness model, and finding the balance between maintaining our hard earned physiques and enjoying our food and life can be a challenge. Check out one of my favorite recipes I enjoy when not in serious...
Figure Competitor Muffins

Figure Competitor Muffins

The diet of a figure competitor is crucial to the outcome of her physique on the day of her competition. We are dedicated to a healthy lifestyle all year and spend the several weeks leading up to the competition dialing in our nutrition in order to maximize our...

Hands-Off Crock Pot Chicken

When trying to eat clean while juggling such a tight schedule, protein sources seem to be my biggest challenge. Fruits only need to be peeled, veggies can be steamed in the microwave, fats are easily poured from a bottle, and there are many choices for portable...