There is a book out there called “How Do You Eat An Elephant?  One Bite At A Time!” by Bill Hogan.  It was written for business managers on how to apply some fundamental business principles.

This concept also applies to us, our lives, our personal and/or career projects, our goals, our dreams, and our daily to-do list that seems to grow longer with each passing day.  We hear it all the time, and we probably sometimes say it ourselves too:  “I wish I had more time to get more things done.”  “If I had more time, I would do _________”.  “I can’t do _________ because I don’t have enough time.”

Let’s face it.  There will always be 24 hours in one day, and that is one thing that we know will never change!  Haha!  So instead of procrastinating or even worse, getting so overwhelmed that you do nothing at all…. we call that “analysis paralysis”.  I used to be an analysis paralysis queen!  That led me to either do nothing or never finishing what I started.  And what kind of results do you think I got from that strategy?  Nada!  I was tired of going through life like a hamster on her little wheel…. spinning my wheels and going nowhere.

We all lead busy lives.  My hope is that all of us also have big dreams, big goals, and big projects to get us to where we want to go.  Before sitting down to write this guest blog, I finished writing ten mini projects this week for one big project.  And believe me, it was not easy!  Do you know what I kept having to repeat to myself over and over again?  “How do you eat an elephant?  One bite at a time!”  I must admit, I almost choked several times trying to eat the entire elephant!  And in doing so, I lost precious time!  You’ve just got to tackle your to-do list and prioritize your list as if your life depended on it (which by the way, it pretty much does!), and then work on knocking out each task, one task at a time.  You will feel a great sense of accomplishment when you apply this concept in your life.  Before you know it, you will be one lean, mean, elephant-eating machine!