I recently competed in the 2011 WBFF World Championships. This was by far the toughest competition I have ever competed in and the first time I have ever REALLY put myself out there. I have pushed my limits in other areas of my life such as completing the US military’s most intensive academic program, qualifying for the Duathlon World Championships, and competing in physique competitions in general (shimmying my way into the smallest bikini I own, and putting myself on stage with gorgeous, fit women so that I could be critiqued by some of the most experienced physique judges in the industry).

My goal of earning my WBFF Pro Card started last year when I competed at the 2010 WBFF Worlds. I train and properly fuel my body all year around. But this competition was different. This time, I officially went on the record and not only told my friends and family that I was gunning for my WBFF Pro Card, but I also spent six solid weeks of pretty intense self-promotion. Telling everyone from fellow Cathy Savage Fitness teammates, to the show’s  promoters, and even to my competition that I was going to show up with the sole intention of earning my Pro Card with none other than the organization whose motto is “The Best of the Best”.

I didn’t just say it. I SCREAMED it! I LIVED it. I BREATHED it. And I even made videos about it!

And guess what… in the end, I didn’t get it.

To earn a WBFF Pro Card, I needed to place in the top 3 of my class. I was shy by just a few places, but those few places were a “go/no-go”difference, and I placed 7th in Diva Bikini Model and 5th in Diva Fitness Model.







So, after all of this dedication, time, effort, and self-promotion, one might think that I would return home frustrated, disappointed, or sad, but the truth is that I am not any of those. I have spent this past week really evaluating my thoughts and feelings about last week and I don’t feel any different now as I did when the results were called out while I was standing on that stage because I stuck to my plan… To show up prepared, make it a fantastic weekend with photo shoots and friends, and to enjoy every second of stage time that I had worked so hard for.

I have enjoyed everything this “Pro Card Quest” has taught me, and it isn’t over yet… I feel so grateful to be at a place in my life mentally, physically, and financially to be able to compete in such an elite sport at such a high level. The satisfaction of knowing I did everything according to my plan feels fantastic!

“Courage is the discovery that you may not win, and trying when you know you can lose.” ~Tom Krause

The amount of support I have received is more rewarding than any title or trophy I could ever possess. This competition has been my vehicle for inspiring others to reach for their dreams and really live life.

“What you get by achieving your goals is not as important as what you become by achieving your goals.” ~ Zig Zigler

When is the last time you REALLY put yourself out there? When is the last time you did something that scared you? It isn’t easy to put yourself out there, but the feeling of being ALIVE is incredible. Go big! You just might surprise yourself…

“The jump is so frightening between where I am and where I want to be…because of all I may become I will close my eyes and leap!” ~Mary Anne Radmacher