My vacation diet strategies are all based on enjoyment, balance, and feeling satisfied. Who wants to spend their weekend feeling deprived (angry), cheating (guilty), or cheated (regret)? My thought process goes a little something like this…

Which foods, drinks, and experiences are most important to me? This is a simple question, but the answer to this question helps me to lay out a mental nutrition plan and makes passing up temptation easier.

Each 4th of July weekend, we visit friends and family in Suffolk County, New York. Every evening we gather for happy hour, grill out, and make s’mores on an open fire. This has become a tradition for us and I really enjoy the experience and the food. Suffolk County, NY is known for having some of the best wineries in the Northeast and I would be fooling myself if I thought I would be better off passing up a few glasses of local wine.

My daytime nutrition is typically very clean and light. The evenings are my biggest challenge… For me, being mindful while enjoying the evening means enjoying one cocktail during happy hour. I prefer a low-sugar cocktail such as raspberry vodka, soda water, and a splash of lemonade. I make sure there are plenty of fresh veggies available for the various dips and spreads in place of eating the more calorie-dense chips, crackers, or breads, but I am a sucker for pita chips, so I usually enjoy a handful or so.

The same veggie strategy goes for dinner as well. I load up on fibrous, filling veggies and pair them with lean protein. I absolutely love red meat, so I prefer steak or a burger and really enjoy each bite. I usually limit my alcohol intake to one glass of delicious, full-bodied, red wine, and I enjoy every drop. More than one glass usually leads to decreased inhibitions and less than mindful eating, so I try to avoid the temptation altogether.

S’mores might not be on the “A” list for a competitor’s diet, but they are a part of my holiday weekend experience. Again, being mindful of what I am taking in, I enjoy every drip of chocolate, and every crumb of graham cracker.

My goal isn’t as simple as avoiding all “bad” foods. If I just avoided all indulgences, I would feel like I cheated myself out of fun and important experiences. Oh, moderation… you and I are building a beautiful relationship.