Summer Holiday Weekend Strategies

My vacation diet strategies are all based on enjoyment, balance, and feeling satisfied. Who wants to spend their weekend feeling deprived (angry), cheating (guilty), or cheated (regret)? My thought process goes a little something like this… Which foods, drinks, and... read more
Holiday Weekend Workouts

Holiday Weekend Workouts

Do you worry about maintaining your fitness and nutrition during holiday weekends? With all the tempting BBQ fare, tasty beverages, and pool or beach time, a little anxiety can set in. I have been competing for over 4 years now, and every year I add new techniques to... read more
Creative Cardio

Creative Cardio

Spending the weekend at the beach didn’t stop me from getting my workouts in. Many people look forward to vacations so they can take a break from everything, including their fitness routine, but vacations are my favorite times to workout. I love waking up... read more
We all have our off days… Turn it back ON!

We all have our off days… Turn it back ON!

I woke up this morning to my normal 4:26 am alarm going off, but today was different. I just didn’t want to do it. I thought after my breakfast that I would be ready to get my day started. Nope. I read through an Oxygen Magazine while I sat at my kitchen table trying... read more
Getting Started

Getting Started

Getting started… Sometimes the start is the obstacle. Where to start? Well, just about anywhere will do as long as you do something – and making a plan doesn’t count. Of course you have to have goals that are measurable and attainable, but too much planning can... read more

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