Spending the weekend at the beach didn’t stop me from getting my workouts in. Many people look forward to vacations so they can take a break from everything, including their fitness routine, but vacations are my favorite times to workout. I love waking up without an alarm clock, eating breakfast, enjoying a cup of coffee, and then getting my sweat on.

You don’t have to seek out a gym to do your workout. Get outside and get creative! Changing up your cardio routine can do wonders for your body as well as your mind. I spent this morning doing sprints in the soft sand and it was so energizing. I started with a 5 minute warm-up. Then I performed 30 minutes of sprints by sprinting for 30 seconds, turning around and running backwards for 30 seconds, and then walking back to my start line. I cooled down by doing 10 minutes of walking lunges before stretching. My hips, legs, and glutes are REALLY feeling it tonight! Burn, baby, burn…

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