Promises of Quick Weight Loss

Promises of Quick Weight Loss

PROMISES OF QUICK WEIGHT LOSS We have yet another fad diet on the market… Have you seen the Six Weeks to OMG diet? I typically ignore all of these diets but this one really got my attention. When I was a teen and early 20-something, I fell for all of these...
When and how to “CHEAT” on your diet…

When and how to “CHEAT” on your diet…

It is Friday afternoon… You are at the office happy hour… Everyone is offering you greasy bar food and sugary alcoholic beverages but you already made a decision to enjoy your cheat meal with your hubby at a wedding tomorrow, so you think… oh, let me just explain my...
The New Me

The New Me

I am so proud of my mom… I have watched her struggle with her weight my entire life and nothing makes me happier than seeing her looking and feeling great! Thank you, Mom, for sharing your fitness journey with us… Since childhood I have struggled with...
Holiday Motivation

Holiday Motivation

I have a little secret… just about all of us are struggling this week. There are a number of factors that are affecting some or maybe even all of us RIGHT NOW… Do any of these sound like you??? Feeling puffy and bloated from the holiday festivities....
2011 WBFF World Championship Recap

2011 WBFF World Championship Recap

I recently competed in the 2011 WBFF World Championships. This was by far the toughest competition I have ever competed in and the first time I have ever REALLY put myself out there. I have pushed my limits in other areas of my life such as completing the US...