Fitness Model Muffins

Fitness Model Muffins

Maintaining a great physique all year long is a must for a fitness model, and finding the balance between maintaining our hard earned physiques and enjoying our food and life can be a challenge. Check out one of my favorite recipes I enjoy when not in serious...
Figure Competitor Muffins

Figure Competitor Muffins

The diet of a figure competitor is crucial to the outcome of her physique on the day of her competition. We are dedicated to a healthy lifestyle all year and spend the several weeks leading up to the competition dialing in our nutrition in order to maximize our...

Hands-Off Crock Pot Chicken

When trying to eat clean while juggling such a tight schedule, protein sources seem to be my biggest challenge. Fruits only need to be peeled, veggies can be steamed in the microwave, fats are easily poured from a bottle, and there are many choices for portable...
Eating Clean on the Road

Eating Clean on the Road

Eating clean is always a challenge and eating clean while on the road is extra challenging. This week I welcomed that challenge. I was scheduled to travel for work this week and with the Arnold just 10 days away, I really needed to be on top of my nutrition, so this...