You are not the only one…  just about all of us struggle at least a little bit with training and nutrition during the holidays. Maybe just a couple… maybe more???

  • Feeling puffy and bloated from the holiday festivities.
  • Feeling guilty about all the things I ate and drank.
  • Having trouble getting to the gym.
  • Even having trouble finding the motivation once I am in the gym.
  • Scared/worried/anxious about “losing everything I have worked for”.
  • The holiday obligations keep piling up faster than my laundry and dirty dishes.
  • I feel this bad now… and the holiday season just started!!!

Do any of these sound like you? The great news is that you can enjoy the holidays without taking 10 steps back.

I also love to indulge in eating and drinking during the holiday festivities. My strategy for enjoying the holidays is to partake fairly responsibly during important gatherings and sticking to clean nutrition the rest of the time. I have found that eating clean 80% of the time will keep me on track and feeling healthy and strong. I also choose “hearty” foods as my treats and cheats. I would much rather benefit from the added nutrients along with the added calories.

alcohol and weightloss

And then there is alcohol… It happens to all of us… the puff and stuff. Sweat it out. Drink plenty of water. Choose your drinking occasions wisely. Just because the alcohol is available doesn’t mean you HAVE to partake. I personally pick and choose when to enjoy and when to stick with water or coffee.

As much as I love training, the gym becomes a challenge for me too. Striving to hit the weights 3 days per week and to do HIIT for 20-30 minutes 1-2 days per week is my goal for the holiday season. I just do my best to get my training in (and honestly, the stress relief alone is enough motivation!) But feeling guilty or down on myself for not accomplishing every single workout perfectly is a self-sabotaging behavior. These bad feeling lead to more bad feelings (which for me, leads to very poor eating choices).

We have to love, honor, and nourish our bodies, not beat them into the submission. So work with the time you have and make sure you are getting your sweat on at least 3 times per week. Besides physique goals, you will benefit from the stress relieving and energy boosting results of your workouts.

Looking for a quick workout you can do ANYWHERE? Sign up for our FREE MONTHLY HIIT MEMBERSHIP.

Start right where you are! You don’t have to wait for Monday to start!