… I have been trying to get this pen to work for 2 days now…

Let me back up. I write in my journal daily and for the past 2 days, my pen was only “kind of” working.

It would start to work and then about ½ ways down the page, it would start to fade and then kind of sputter out until I was literally grinding the pen into the page to get my words to show up.

I checked the ink… yep, still over ½ full.

I would shake it really hard and get a couple more out, but it would stop again.

Well, finally after 2 days of playing this game, with my pen, I threw it out.

Has this ever happened to you?

How many of you thought, “ummmm… I would have thrown it out after the first fade”?

I have been receiving several emails and messages lately (more than usual) from clients, fans, and friends about how their training and nutrition isn’t “working” for them.

My first question is HOW LONG HAVE YOU BEEN DOING (not “trying”, but actually following) THIS TRAINING AND NUTRITION?

A transformation takes TIME and as much as we LOVE to hear about and see the quick results, the truth is that REALLY takes several weeks (6-8 of them) of dedication to a program (a healthy and solid one 😉 ).

These photos were taken of our first SKFitLife Challenge winner, Cathy, during her transformation. You can see that her results didn’t really “show up” until Week 8. And for you scale-watchers, the scale only changed by 10 pounds within these 8 weeks too… very impressive for 10 pounds, right? That is why the scale doesn’t really matter.

Yes, it was 8 WEEKS of dedication that lead to her results. Most people give up around weeks 4, 5, 6… keep going.

Back to this ink pen thing… AT WHAT POINT DO YOU “CHANGE PENS”? Or in this case, change your training and nutrition?



This post is TO BE CONTINUED  NEXT WEEK so stay tuned…





In the meantime, I have a few questions that I want you to answer for yourself. Be completely honest with yourself. If you think that your lack of results is simply due to “lack of willpower”, “just need to push harder”, “just need to do MORE”, “need to cut back on calories,”  next week’s post may really surprise you.


  • Have you recently been “carb cycling”?
  • Have you been on a “low carb” diet?
  • Have you recently competed in a strenuous physical activity… physique competition, marathon, a series of endurance events?

  • How about your nutrition???

  • Do you work on shift work?
  • Have you recently had a baby?
  • Do you suffer from an eating disorder or disordered eating?
  • Have you/do you use diet pills… fat burners, fat blockers, fat binders, appetite suppressants, carb blockers, etc.?

See you all next week!