My mom’s accountability post the other day in the SKFitLife private Facebook group…

28 miles of windy, hot riding on my bike. Riding RAGBRAI in 2 weeks. 402 miles across Iowa in 7 days of riding.
ms150 weight loss

I am soooooo proud of you mom. For anyone who hasn’t heard this story yet, back in 2003, my mom helped me move across the country… Charleston to Seattle. I purchased her plane ticket back to Kansas City for her and she asked me how much she owed me for the ticket…

I told her to please take that money and buy a bike, something she had been talking about for a WHILE… she was about 50 pounds overweight at the time and thought biking might be a way to get in shape.

A week later I received a card in the mail and fully expected it to contain a check for the plane ticket but it didn’t… it had a photo of the bike she had purchased with the money.

That year, she set a goal of participating in the MS150… a 150 mile bike ride. Pretty big goal for someone who is 50 pounds over weight and hasn’t worked out in YEARS (hmmmm…. no question about where I get my “dream big” ideas from).

She reached her goal… participated in the 2003 MS 150 and hasn’t missed an event in the 11 years since. Way to go mom.
Photo take in 1999 at age 39

Photo take in 1999 at age 39

December 13, 2011

December 13, 2011

My Mom, My Inspiration

My mom was the inspiration for my business model… Providing training and support at a reasonable price that can be done anywhere at any time for women who can’t “afford” one-on-one training and not just financially… many women have the financial means but don’t have the time. Yep… I am thinking about all of my 4:30am warriors out there.

Do you have a BHAG…

Big Hairy Audacious Goal? What is it? Have you added it to your vision board yet? If not, find a photo of something that represents your goal, write your goal down, and put that goal in a place where you will see it on a daily basis so you can’t ignore it.

Life is short and time is passing anyway. Why not work towards those goals that make you feel alive and get your blood pumping?

Read my mom’s FULL STORY HERE.

More RAGBRAI images HERE.

I love you mom!