Feeling bloated?

Bloating is one of the adverse reactions our bodies have to us putting something in it that it doesn’t like… sugar, gluten, dairy, preservatives, additives, artificial sweeteners, etc. The most common complaint of bloating I hear is linked to how we look, but we need to take a closer look because there are even more potentially serious negative health implications.

I wanted to write about this because of the two situations I encountered last week… one, a woman I am coaching through a 9-Day Isagenix cleanse and the other, a man who is lactose intolerant…


She came to me wanting to try the Isagenix cleanse because she had been diagnosed with food sensitivities and has been feeling heavy and bloated… she was instructed by her doctor to avoid gluten in order to ease her symptoms.

She started the cleanse, but then on Day #3, she decided to “cheat” and drink beer… that beer instantly made her bloated and feeling heavy even though she didn’t eat ANY food while she was drinking. In her mind, she was “sticking to the plan” and asked me if she could switch from eating 2 meals and 1 shake to 2 shakes and one meal in hopes of “getting it to work”.


A guy who knows he is lactose intolerant decided he would just deal with the consequences of eating dairy… he decided spending extra time in the bathroom was an acceptable tradeoff to enjoy cheese, butter, and other dairy products, but what he doesn’t realize is that his body is having this response as a way to protect himself.

This guy currently has trouble losing body fat even though he exercises regularly (5 days per week) at high intensities including plenty of weight lifting and is on a meal plan designed by a bodybuilding coach. After talking with him, it is my opinion that he has an incredible amount of inflammation in his body. He will always struggle with fat loss as long as he continues to have this stressing his body.


If you have an intolerance, it isn’t just the “short game” of “I don’t like how my abs look in a bikini”… the “long game” could look like this if you continue to ignore the warning signs your body is giving you:


“Gluten intolerance, in its tendency to inflame and destroy the gut lining—known as leaky gut syndrome—can allow food antigens to enter the bloodstream. Over time, this overexposure causes the immune system to react, and foods that would otherwise be tolerated can become allergenic.”

*Good fats and oils are wasted.
*Infectious organisms are protected.
*Nutrients are not absorbed.
*Rotting protein contributes to cancer risk.
*Yeast proliferates and adds to the stress.
*And could even lead to non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma… http://celiacdisease.about.com/od/commoncomplicationsofcd/a/Celiac-Disease-Lymphoma.htm

So many times we think it just comes down to calories in/calories out, BUT IT DOESN’T. Our bodies are a complex system of chemicals and it doesn’t take much to throw ourselves out of balance.

If you are struggling with these same issues but haven’t taken the steps to fully eliminate the things that cause bloating, take another look… don’t beat yourself up thinking “I just need to work harder”. Work SMARTER, not harder.


Continuing to bombard your body with things it doesn’t like leads to inflammation… and inflammation leads to cancer and a whole host of other chronic problems.


For more information, please visit: http://www.supernutritionacademy.com/foods-that-cause-inflammation/

For more information, please visit: http://www.supernutritionacademy.com/foods-that-cause-inflammation/