When we think of all the ways we could commit to leading a healthier lifestyle, a lot of us put “Drink more water” on our list. This simple decision is actually extremely beneficial to our overall health. The only thing that’s up to us is to actually follow through. Here are some reasons why it’s more than worth the effort.

Water is your body’s most basic need

One of the simplest, most straightforward reasons why you need to drink plenty of water is the fact that it makes up around 60 percent of your body. Not drinking enough leads to a disruption in this delicate balance, and it affects all major and minor systems and processes in your body. When it registers such a disruption, your brain sends you the signal to drink in the form of thirst. However, a surprising number of people have effectively trained themselves to ignore this signal until it becomes overwhelming. A lot of the time, we also mistake it for hunger. That’s why the first step in changing your lifestyle should be learning to listen to your body’s cues and to satisfy your needs as quickly as possible.

In this age of plenty, our relationship with food has become exceptionally complicated. As we have mentioned, one of these complications is our tendency to interpret thirst as hunger, which inevitably leads to weight gain. Another huge problem is that a lot of us tend to drink a lot of sugary drinks when we are hungry. Evidence suggests that even drinks containing artificial sweeteners, while they don’t carry any calories, still trigger the same bodily response as sugar, effectively leading to hunger and further weight gain. Water, on the other hand, can help you feel fuller, has zero calories, and helps you flush toxins out of your body. Instead of reaching for a can of soda or a creamy coffee drink every time you’re thirsty, try carrying a reusable water bottle with you, and you’ll be surprised to see the weight disappear.

Water makes your skin glow

Want a dewy complexion? A good moisturizer can only help so much. One of the functions of your skin is to help keep the much needed fluids inside your body. To feel elastic and look radiant, it needs to be hydrated not just from the outside, but from the inside too. Drinking water is an essential step in preventing wrinkles.

Water is a natural detox

There is so much talk of detox these days, that we forget the fact that our bodies have a perfectly functional detox system in the form of urination and bowel movements. However, our kidneys and intestines need plenty of fluids to do their job in an optimal way. Proper hydration helps flush out toxins, speeds up the excretion of waste matter, and prevents constipation.

Water makes you feel energized

To be able to function properly, your body needs a balance between fluids and electrolytes. When this balance is not maintained, we tend to feel tired. This balance is especially precarious when we exercise, which is why proper hydration during and after workouts is essential.

Nowadays, we are spoiled for choice: we can pick between dozens of brands and flavors of coffee, tea, soda, juice, smoothies and flavored waters. However, the fact remains that the healthiest (and often the cheapest) solution remains just simple, humble water. Adopting the habit of sipping it throughout the day and not just when you feel parched could make a world of difference for the way you look and feel.

Guest Blogger

Diana Smith can be reached at dianasmith.dany@gmail.com or here