Getting exercise is always a good idea. It helps increase your energy levels, protects your body from various diseases, aids in weight loss and management, and increases your endorphins. There is absolutely nothing negative you can get out of being active, that is if you do it the right way.

While engaging in sports or exercise is one of the best decisions you can make, you have to realize the risks that are involved. One such risk is getting a sports injury. This can happen when you are not prepared for the type of physical activity you intend to do.

The following are some 

 reminders you should take note of to ensure you avoid getting hurt or injured during sports or exercise:

#1 Warming up is always an essential way to begin your routine

Some people don’t see the importance of a good warm up. It seems like a minor part of the whole exercise routine, but its purpose is pivotal.  It prepares your mind and  body for the actual exercise by raising your heart rate and improving your mobility. It also warms the body’s muscles and connective tissues and enhances the functionality of your body movements.

#2 Give yourself a good stretch to prepare your body for what’s coming

One cause of sports injury is if you strain your muscles and tendons. A lack of flexibility means having short, tight muscles, which are more susceptible to damage when you exercise. You can avoid this by maintaining or developing your flexibility through stretching.

To stretch after cooling down, put your focus on the body parts you exhausted the most during your physical activity. For instance, if you went running, you should focus on leg stretches.

#3 Make sure that you’ve got your technique on point (by a professional)

No matter how many crunches you do, or weights you lift, if you don’t practice the proper technique, they could all be useless. In fact, they may even cause more damage than good if you strain the wrong areas of your body.

It’s always best to ask a reputable coach or exercise professional if your technique is correct so that you can avoid unwanted sports injury.

#4 Arm yourself with the proper sports gear for added protection

It’s best to go to battle with the proper ammunition. Fortunately, you can better avoid any sports injury by getting yourself the appropriate gear like footwear or knee sleeves to protect your body from unwanted strain or pressure.

#5 Give yourself some breathing space in between training

You may feel like taking a break will ruin your momentum, but a short breather can go a long way. Your body also needs to recover from the activity it’s been subjected to, and there’s a higher chance it’ll become weaker if it doesn’t get the rest it needs.

Try to allot at least an entire day of rest each week, or more if you’ve done a significant activity like a race or competition. This will enable your body to repair microscopic damage to its muscles and make it stronger in the long run.

#6 Don’t bite off more than you can chew (or lift more than you can bear)

Don’t overwhelm your body or shock it into a full-blown training session if it isn’t prepared. Quantity won’t help. Achieve your goal at a slow and steady pace.

Your body should be allowed to adjust to the new level of strain and activities from your exercise routine. Don’t compare your routine with others’; focus only on what your body needs.

#7 Check your training program if it’s a well-balanced one

To fully maximize your exercise routine, you need to have all the primary elements of a balanced fitness program. This includes resistance training, cardiovascular training, core training, flexibility, coordination, and nutrition.

If you only focus on a few but neglect the others, all your efforts might go to waste, and there is a greater chance you will get a sports injury or get sick.

#8 Don’t forget to cool down; your body needs it more than you think

When you finish your workout, don’t go rushing out! Your body needs to wind down, and bring your heart rate, blood pressure, and breathing back to normal.

It also helps flush out the waste by-products from your strenuous activity.  So before you cool off in the shower, cool down on the floor first.

#9 Make sure you give yourself the proper nutrition to balance your activity

Good nutrition isn’t just a good add-on to your exercise regimen; it’s pivotal to its success. You need the right type of nourishment to complement your body’s demands from sports and exercise.

Neglecting your nutrition will increase the likelihood of getting a sports injury or illness, so it’s best to be as strict with your food intake as you are with your exercise methods. This means being healthy, not starving yourself.

#10 It’s always best to consult a professional like a sports therapist

Since your body is subjected to a different type of strain, your muscles and tendons will benefit from a therapy suited for them.

A sports therapist will be able to give massage techniques that can restore the body to its condition before the sports activity or exercise. These professionals will also be able to assess and diagnose if the body is at risk of any injury.

While this list may seem lengthy and comprehensive, it’s always best to take the necessary precautions, especially when your body’s health is involved. Be willing to invest time, money, and energy because otherwise, you might end up wasting your time. Plus, you might end up hurting yourself more with an unwanted injury.

On the other hand, if you do everything with caution, you’ll experience a significant change inside and out. Skfitlife can be your partner in this journey.

Guest Blogger

Anthony Trinton,  a health enthusiast, and a Home Improvement DIYer in training. He shares his tips on maintaining a healthy lifestyle and home projects at Equipment Area.



