If you live on a sunny coast somewhere in Australia or California, then you probably already know the joys and the allure of battling the playful waves. But those who come for their vacation can stop worrying that they’ll get too lazy and lose sight of their fitness goals, because surfing is an ideal way to incorporate some exercise into your restful days without ever feeling as if your vacation has been disturbed!

Surfing is a dream-come-true for seaside lovers who also enjoy the perks of a fitness-frenzied lifestyle, as this versatile sport brings the best of both worlds together: a wonderful way to let go of your daily worries and a challenge for your entire body to stay in good shape.


Cardiovascular endurance

Heart disease is one of the leading culprits of premature death all over the globe, and as such, it shouldn’t be underestimated –staying active, in addition to a healthy diet, means that you give your heart plenty of opportunity to stay strong, fit and resilient. Don’t think for one moment that surfing means just sliding on the waves, on the contrary, it’s a brilliant replacement for the treadmill for your cardio.

The water serves as your resistance as you paddle, and the sheer effort it takes for you to maintain your balance as you tackle a wave not only engages your muscles, but also requires endurance. Talk about a fun way to replace your daily jogs!


Core strength

Most of us suffer from the modern disease of sitting down for hours on end, and as a consequence, we develop all sorts of muscular and skeletal imbalances that lead to chronic pain, herniated discs and a weakened core.

Surfing helps counteract these changes in your body by challenging your core strength to retain your posture and keeping your bones and your connective tissue strong, all of which work together to keep your spine aligned and strong. You need a strong core for all your daily motions, and surfing is a fun way to improve your level of strength continually.


Boost your balance and coordination

Since surfing keeps every muscle in your body fully engaged throughout the workout, you’ll need to work hard to stay on the surfboard despite the wind and the waves. And it’s no easy task to stay on your feet as you enter the barrel of a massive wave – it challenges even the sturdiest of surfers every day!

Even without any spectacular stunts, learning to master the surfboard stance and remain steady in your position will improve your overall coordination, flexibility, as well as balance. It’s essential, however, to stay safe during your surfing endeavors. You can find all the supporting equipment online at stores such as Natural Necessity, from surfboard waxes through leashes to wet suits that will please event he pros.


Sleep like a baby

Since we’re so exposed to a wide range of digital gadgets, most of which have screens, our biological clocks are often out of whack, and so are our sleeping patterns. If you can rarely sleep for more than six hours, and you often wake up in the middle of the night, then you could definitely use some more rest – and surfing helps your body prepare for sleep.

However, do your best to incorporate it into your day either in the morning or in the afternoon, since too much vigorous activity can force your mind and your body to stay alert for hours after your workout. The volume of fresh air you’ll take in during your surf session combined with the physical strain will put you right to sleep when it’s time to turn in.


Meditation in motion

We’re all overwhelmed with stress every single day, from the uncomfortable situations we cope with at work to personal issues we have to tackle, but spending time outside in the sun and connecting with nature through physical activity actually helps relieve stress on a multitude of levels.

When you surf, you embrace the present moment and enjoy the happy hormones that flood your body as a result of exercise. Even various studies have shown that regular surfing helps reduce symptoms of depression and prevents further anxiety outbursts. It’s the beauty of all the sensations that you’re literally washed over with, from the taste, sound and smell of the ocean to the soothing effect of the waves crashing on the coastline – they all work together to put your body into a calm state, making you more impervious to everyday stress.


Guest Blogger

Our guest blogger for this blog is Luke Douglas, he can be reached at mrlukeidouglas@gmail.com or through his website