Burning more calories on a daily basis is quite easy if you go to the gym every day. But for people who have other responsibilities to do such as work and school, it can be pretty challenging – especially if the work would require you sitting for 8 hours.

If you are one of these people who seem to have busy schedules, then you know how losing those extra calories can be daunting. In fact, some would say that it’s unlikely to happen in a short period of time. Luckily, there are subtle and sneaky ways that you could do to burn them effectively and efficiently.

These sneaky ways are found to be effective in weight loss plans as many have already witnessed the positive results. Accordingly, these ways are not that new and extraordinary. In fact, they are pretty simple and quite cliché too. But since only a few know how effective they are, only a few get to know the real essence of them.

Nevertheless, these are the ways how you would burn more calories:

Go the extra mile

When you are going for a quick run either in the morning or in the evening, try to include the distance from your house to the jogging area. But, be sure to cover these distances with short and fast-paced intervals with longer steps. This will allow your body to continue to burn calories the same way that it’s working when you are on the run.

Accordingly, it’s like you are adding an extra mile or two even without knowing it. So, the next time you are going home whether from your jog or from your work, try to do this and see the difference!

Take cold showers

Taking cold showers can largely help you burn calories. So, instead of choosing the warm and hot water in the morning and in the evening, choose to take and enjoy the chilling sensation of the cold water.

Apparently, cold temperatures melt fat and calories. This is because your body tends to produce heat to counteract the cold environment. During the process, the body aims to melt the stored fats resulting in burning much more calories. Hence, even when you are not doing anything actively, taking cold showers and staying in cold rooms will help you burn more.

Also, this is the reason why you most of the gym centers today are air conditioned. Apparently, people can burn more calories in cold environment and surroundings.

Hit the floor

Hitting the floor in any time of the day is a very subtle and sneaky way to burn calories. In fact, only a few would notice this but choosing to hit the floor – sitting or lying around – whenever you do anything around the house will keep your muscles more at work.

For instance, if you are binge-watching your favorite series, choose to hit the floor instead of the sofa and couch. By this way, your muscles will elicit more work since it needs to support your body. Also, getting up from the ground requires more work and force which are significant as well in burning calories.

Laugh it up

There is a reason why the quote “laughter is the best medicine” is very much popular. It has been established that laughing and being in a good mood has positive impacts on health. Not only that laughing can help you feel younger and lighter, but also it can boost your mental health.

Apparently, the same is true when you are trying to lose weight and burn calories.

When you laugh for 20 minutes, you get to burn more than 100 calories per day. And no, it does not mean that you need to laugh for 20 minutes straight. You may laugh for short periods and let it all accumulate at the end of the day.

Take a bike ride

When you go outside, whether just visiting a friend in the neighborhood or simply going to the market, choose to take a bike ride instead of bringing your car and auto. Apparently, biking is a great form of cardio exercise that can help you lose weight and burn calories. Aside from the health benefits that you can get from it, you get to be intact as well with your surroundings naturally.

A 20 to 30-minute bike ride can help you lose more than 115 calories. So, start picking up your bikes now and keep on burning more calories!

Stretch away calories

Stretching is a very subtle and sneaky way to burn extra calories. Also, you can squeeze your stretching exercises in anything you do for the day. Whether you are waiting for a repairman in your house or waiting before a client meeting starts, you could stretch a few moves even on your seat.

Little did everyone know that doing a few stretches regularly can burn up to 150 calories per day. Imagine how many calories would you burn if you do a full yoga session, right? So, it is always wise to take advantage of the excess time of any day and stretch away those unwanted calories effectively.

Guest Blogger

Dr Kojian, he can be reached at drkojian34@gmail.com or his website