Most people, especially those living in big urban environments, experience a lot of stress that leaves them feeling depressed and anxious. Dealing with the pressure family, work and friends impose on us can take a toll on our health, both physical and mental; so learning how to boost our happiness levels is the key towards healthy and fulfilled life. If you too struggle to achieve happiness, here are a few simple yet effective ways to a better life.

Make your health a priority

Our work, family, and friends often monopolize our time, leaving very little space to focus on our own health and wellbeing. However, that will leave you feeling drained and depressed to a point where all spheres of life will start to suffer. So, for once, try to put your health before of everyone else’s. Eat well, take vitamins and reduce the intake of sugars. But, don’t beat yourself up too much if you slip and have a cheat day! Treating yourself to something tasty will not ruin your healthy diet!

Catch some sunlight

Most of us spend a lot of time working inside in front of a computer, which is a very unnatural way to lead your life. So, in order to boost your vitamin D levels, make sure to catch at least 15 minutes of sunlight a day. If it’s not possible for you to spend more time outside, working in a place with access to natural light can also help.


If you often feel down and exhausted, try working out. Being active is an all-natural way to fight depression and anxiety, so no matter how fatigued you feel, doing something physical will help. Aside from improving your happiness levels, exercise will also help control your weight, improve your cardiovascular health and have a positive effect on your overall health! So, grab your workout clothes and hit those weights or go on a nice walk outside.

Help others

Volunteering is one of the best things you can do to improve your happiness and the happiness of others. No matter how busy you are, you can always find time to help people in your own way (it’s much better than wasting time in front of the TV). On the other hand, you can even turn your love of humanity into a career!

For instance, by becoming a support worker, you can not only be a valuable member of society but also make a great business move. You’ll get to interact with all sorts of different clients, soak up their life experience and really make a difference in someone’s life! Often, the best way to help yourself is to help someone else.

Say goodbye to toxic people

This is probably the hardest step you can take, but also one of the most important ones! Even though it might seem impossible, you can always cut off friends, family members, clients and bosses that make you deeply unhappy. There’s often no reason to put up with toxic people that do nothing but make you feel bad about yourself. Stand up for yourself, and if they don’t give you the respect you deserve, walk away!

Never stop learning

Since your happiness greatly depends on internal not external factors, dedicate more time towards your mental growth and enrichment. For instance, education is directly tied to good physical health and stable mental states. When people are mentally engaged with new skills and activities, their happiness levels greatly improve! Of course, that doesn’t mean you have to return to college. You can seek new ways to implement your existing skills, try a new sport or simply take an online course that will help you learn something completely new. As your new skills improve, you’ll experience amazing feelings of happiness and pride!


Most people know that meditation helps with focus and relaxation, but not everyone knows that it can also boost your happiness levels. Now, don’t think you have to dedicate hours of your time to meditation and reach Dalai Lama levels of Zen! Often, 10 minutes of guided meditation is all you need to feel the benefits, become more mindful and improve your mood.

None of these tips will make disrupt your daily life and cost you too much time and money. However, all the little sacrifices you make will certainly help you manage your mental health, boost your mood and have a positive effect on your overall happiness!

Guest Blogger

Diana Smith can be reached at or Google+