With the first rays of the spring sunshine, we get a new boost of energy. ‘Tis the season for cleaning and fresh starts. Our skin usually needs a little bit of extra care and attention after a long winter too. It can feel dry and papery from the freezing air and low humidity. So, what exactly can you do to restore its plumpness and youthful glow? Here are some prep techniques to get your complexion ready for spring.

Get rid of traces of winter

Winter is prime season for skin problems – everything from eczema, dryness, to rosacea and acne tend to flare up due to low temperatures and the effects of heating. The first step is to try to get rid of the dead skin cells on the surface of your skin that are making it feel bumpy and dry. Exfoliating once a week should do the trick. Remember to keep it gentle, so you don’t damage the skin or exacerbate existing issues. If you feel apprehensive about tackling your skin problems yourself, are experiencing a condition you never had before, or just feel your complexion needs an extra boost of care, you can try getting professional help. However, before you spring into action, it’s crucial that you do your research and find a trusty laser skin clinic.

Hydrate inside and out

Moisturizing isn’t just effective locally, but from the inside too. Remember to drink enough fluids – preferably water. Optimally, you should drink around two litres a day. Investing in products won’t help that much if your body doesn’t get enough fluids.

Try out oils

Using natural oils can completely transform your complexion. When used properly, they won’t make your skin feel greasy, just give it a full and elastic feeling. Avocado oil soothes irritated skin, Coconut oil is amazing for eczema, while argan and rosehip oils have wrinkle-fighting properties. You can also try out jojoba, olive, or grape seed oil.

The secret to unleashing the full potential of oils as part of your skincare regime, is to use them as the last step in your routine. Using the oil first could clog your pores. When applied last, after cleaning, a serum and a moisturizer, the oil will create a gentle seal on your skin, keeping all of the moisture trapped inside, and allowing your skin to look fresher for longer. It will also allow your skin to benefit from all of the nutrients inside the oil itself.

Clean gently

A proper cleaning is a necessary step to remove all of the grime of the day off your face – that includes sebum build-up, makeup, and dirt from the environment. However, using cleaning products that are too harsh could strip your skin of its natural moisture and do more harm than good. Use a quality makeup remover or micellar water, and never fail to take off your makeup at night. Use a gentle wash daily and tone your skin to cleanse and close your pores. This will prevent further build-up and clogging. Using an active charcoal-based mask once a week will give you a thorough cleansing and get rid of any unwanted residue.

Incorporate a serum

Experts agree that serums are an indispensable part of the skin care regimen. In fact, the general consensus is that, because of their concentrated formula and the fact that they are applied first, they are much more important and effective than moisturizers. That means that if your beauty budget is a bit strained, it’s always better to splurge on a quality serum, and pinch a few pennies on the moisturizer.

Treat your skin with a mask

There are plenty of masks, both available commercially and ones you can make yourself, that will do wonders for your skin. Making a DIY mask from ingredients you already have in your pantry is incredibly easy and cheap, but will leave your complexion glowing nonetheless. Depending on your skin type, there are many ingredients you could use. Honey and avocado nurture while oats reduce redness and itching, soothing irritated skin. Cornmeal or semolina can be used for gentle exfoliation. Bananas and yogurt are well-known for their hydrating properties.

There’s nothing better than welcoming spring looking and feeling your best. With our skin prep routine, your complexion will be flawless.

Guest Blogger

Mia Taylor can be reached at mrsmiataylor@gmail.com or through her website