You might not have yet received the memo, but monumental changes are taking place in the world of makeup and skincare as we speak. We don’t know whether we have the rise of awareness on environmental issues, mostly sparked by members of the millennial generation, to thank, but the tide is turning, and for the better. Namely, a whopping 49% of millennial women will always take the organic, natural, vegan and cruelty-free route when it comes to cosmetics and skincare if given the opportunity. This is a huge number and it’s constantly increasing. So, what exactly constitutes a cruelty-free and vegan product and why should you join in on this trend? Stay tuned and find out everything you’ve wanted to know.

The rundown

First of all, let’s shatter the first misconception – vegan and cruelty-free are not the same. In essence, cruelty-free makeup is produced ethically in the sense that no sort of animal testing was done in any stage of the production or the testing of the safety of a given product. There are certain companies such as MAC who are still not on PETA’s list of approved cruelty-free makeup brands, because despite their claims that they don’t test on animals or require any external facility to do so for them, there are still rumors that their products are tested on animals in countries such as China that don’t have regulations against such practices. Many companies claim that they are cruelty-free, but the best way to make sure you’re spending your money on goodies that haven’t caused animals harm, is to check PETA’s list of approved companies. You will notice them by the pink L letter in front of the name. Granted, just because a company hasn’t made it to the list doesn’t mean they aren’t against animal cruelty – perhaps they’re just new and still going through the verification process.

On the other hand, we have vegan cosmetics, which are basically products that no animal by-products were used in the manufacturing of (or the packaging process). For instance, if you see that one of the ingredients in your lip balm is beeswax – it means it’s not vegan, as it uses an ingredient that derives from bees. It’s also important to bear in mind that even though a company might claim to have vegan products, that doesn’t necessarily mean they don’t test on animals. That’s what the letter V on PETA’s list stands for. If both the L and V are placed in front of the brand on the list, that’s your cue that the company stands for both vegan and cruelty-free production.

Why use it?

The nature-loving people of Australia have been turning to these brands for years now, and not only that, but Australia is one of the countries with the biggest number of rising and renowned companies that aren’t only cruelty-free but also vegan and organic. There are brands such as 100% Pure, Kora Organics and even amazing companies that produce completely vegan nail polish in Australia that doesn’t contain any of the potentially dangerous chemicals. So, what is all the hype about, aside from knowing that your beauty isn’t costing lives of animals or contributing to the pollution of our wonderful planet?

Well, first of all, similarly to organic cosmetics, products that are vegan contain a small number of carefully selected ingredients, which are usually all listed on the label, so in essence, what you see is what you get. The second, these products are far less likely to cause irritation, and are usually suitable for all skin types, whether we’re talking about makeup or skincare. There are proud high-end makeup brands such as Fenty Beauty, Tarte and Kat Von D, which are all cruelty-free and vegan, and aside from the ethical production, with these products you are safe from such potentially dangerous ingredients like glycerin, carmine, lanolin, elastin, keratin and many more.

All of these companies, and many more that are on the list, provide you with everything your could ever want from a skincare or makeup product – they are pigmented, rich, nourishing, and live up to their promise, so you aren’t sacrificing your looks or compromising the quality of your skincare by taking the vegan or cruelty-free route. On the contrary, you are getting the crème de la crème of cosmetics, and being mindful of the environment along the way. There isn’t a single reason not to get on board with approved brands, ones that give you all the quality but also peace of mind.  And just think, you can lead by example – your friends will ask you what you’re using, you’ll spread the word, raise awareness, and save the planet one foundation and lipstick at a time. There are no small steps, so take your first today.

Guest Blogger

Mia Taylor can be reached at or through her website