Running three times a week for at least 30 minutes is a wonderful way to lose weight, stay in shape and build stamina. Furthermore, adding a regular training session into your everyday routine will have many benefits for your overall health as well, so jogging will improve your life in more than one way. However, if you’re new to jogging, you’ll need a few pointers before you start training.

Start slowly

As a beginner, you need to start running in short intervals. Doing all the running in one go can leave you breathless and cause too much stress to your body. This is especially true if you’ve never jogged before, or if you haven’t trained for a long time. Therefore, break the training into several intervals and keep them short.

To let your body recover a little, walk between intervals. Lengthen the running sections after some time and increase the running intervals by one minute per workout until you can run the entire distance without taking a break to walk.

Warm up

To keep your muscles limber and flexible, it’s essential that you stretch before every run. This will also help you avoid injuries and stress on your body. Before you start stretching, don’t forget to warm up the muscles to avoid strain and injury. Do a 10-minute warm up, move from top to bottom, and rotate your joints clockwise and counter-clockwise to make them loose. An aerobic activity is recommended after warming the joints, because you’ll need to raise your heart rate before the jog. Do a series of slow stretches and proceed to a more dynamic series such as arm swings and leg raises, and then you’ll be ready to start running.

Gear up

Investing in a good pair of running shoes will save you from various injuries. To help your form, make sure you look for a quality pair of shoes which will extend your stamina as well. Remember, the most important things about quality running shoes are that they have to protect your joints and muscles and that they have to fit you perfectly. If you experience any discomfort, if your running shoes give you blisters or cause chafing and make your feet sore, you’ve either picked out a wrong size, or you need an entirely different model.

To make exercising more interesting, invest in some of the best wireless headphones for running and listen to your favourite beats while you’re breaking a sweat. A pair of leggings, a sports bra and a top made of moisture-wicking fabrics are also essential, so look for quality activewear that’ll make your running a true delight.

Let your body recover

Don’t go for a run immediately the next day after your first run. Even though you may feel enthusiastic, your body needs to recover from the previous training. You can’t expect your body to be ready for the same amount of stress right away, so let it adapt to the new regimen and prepare the bones and the muscles for the next run. Plan your running in a way that you jog one day and rest the next to avoid injuries and strain.

Practice the right form

Your performance is significantly affected by your form, so make sure you practice it every time you jog. Hold your arms in a 90-degree angle and don’t let them fall out of position. Your upper body should be relaxed, and you should make sure you avoid heel-striking. Don’t overextend your leg when striding forward, but keep your knee above your foot and keep your shin in a vertical position. Your arms should always be beside your body because crossing them is bad for your form.

Choose your running environment

Running outdoors in nature is a much better option than hitting the treadmill, though you can benefit from both. If you want to commit to fast running, choose the pavement for your jogging sessions. Although, you should have in mind that your joints may suffer a bit, because the pavement won’t offer any cushioning. If you’re looking for good cushioning, go for the park or forest surfaces, but watch out for bumps, rocks and roots to avoid tripping. A treadmill will offer you nice cushioning but will alter your form, since the belt moves beneath your feet.

Jogging is a great exercise for improving your stamina and keeping your weight balanced. Therefore, if you’d like to start running, make sure you start slow, always warm up and stretch before a run, invest in quality gear, practice the right form and pick the perfect environment that best fits your needs.

Guest Blogger

Diana Smith can be reached at and her Google+ account