I recently switched from drinking coffee to exploring the world of teas. I am often asked if coffee is considered “clean” and the answer has a few different parts:177256_436940923021550_1462856546_o

1.) IF you use PURE coffee, yes, it is “clean”, BUT if you are using the cheap blends, you are consuming things like caramel coloring, sugar (yes, even BEFORE the coffee is made), and other chemicals. Organic is best… coffee beans have some of the highest pesticide content.

chemical shit storm

2.) What are you adding to your coffee? You would be better off adding some REAL cream or half and half and REAL sugar. Quite possibly the worst things you can add to your coffee are the “sugar-free, non-fat” flavored creamers.

3.) How much coffee are you drinking? Chances are that if you are consuming a lot of coffee, you are lacking in sleep and running on a fast a furious schedule. These factors alone are taxing on your adrenals. Blasting them with excessive caffeine will compound your problems.

How much coffee is too much? I recommend sticking with 1 cup per day and then switching over to caffeine-free green tea.

On the menu today… Milk Thistle tea. This isn’t a flavorful herbal tea but the health benefits are extensive.


Research shows that… “milk thistle appears to be a very safe option for liver-related ailments, especially for those who have, or are using liver-toxic substances, like alcohol or medications. Milk thistle can be used in an attempt to protect the liver from the potential damage of medications like acetaminophen, cholesterol-lowering statin drugs and the seizure medicine, phenytoin.”

I also love the variety of teas available. I am always on the hunt for new teas, flavors, and ideas so if you have any, please share them as a comment!