Swimming isn’t just a good time and a round above ground pool isn’t just for aesthetics, either. If you use your backyard pool the right way and on a regular basis, you may begin to notice some real changes to your physical and mental health. You can enjoy a reduced risk for injury, a healthier weight and a full-body workout when you go for a swim. You’ll also improve your cardiovascular health while relieving stress and symptoms of asthma.

You’ll enjoy the health benefits of swimming in one way or another, even if you don’t notice them immediately. Knowing what to look for makes it easier to identify the changes and this can help you stay committed to regular exercise.  Read on and take a closer look at some of the health benefits you can enjoy when you swim.

Avoid Injury

Exercise is critical to your well-being. Unfortunately, you could hurt yourself if you jump right in to your workout without warming up. You’re especially prone to an accident if you’ve had previous injuries or you have weak joints. Exercising in the water reduces the chances of injuring yourself while you work out. The water takes much of the pressure off your body, so you won’t have to worry about twisting an ankle and falling onto the hard ground. Laps around a backyard pool can be beneficial for people of all ages, but seniors tend to get the most out of swim workouts. This is because people tend to lose coordination and muscle as they age. They’re more likely to trip and fall and their joints and bones may be weakened in the first place. When you work out in the pool, you can get your routine in with a minimal chance of hurting yourself.

Lose Weight

Your weight and body type depend on many factors, from your genetics and metabolism to your diet and exercise routine. Everyone has their own weight-loss strategies. Swimming in your backyard pool is an excellent way to shed some pounds and be happier with your body. Swimming is an aerobic activity and you can lose hundreds of calories just by spending an hour in your pool. You do have to move around of course, but you don’t have to work your body too hard to start burning calories.

Exercise Your Whole Body

If you want to work out your whole body, inside and out, then you need a backyard pool. By swimming on a regular basis, your muscles will be stronger and more toned, and you’ll realize that you can work harder and harder each time. You use your arms, legs and torso to get yourself from one side of the pool to the other, so you’re getting a full-body workout every time you get in the water. You might choose arm day or leg day at the gym, but you can exercise your entire body at once in your backyard pool.

Boost Your Cardiovascular System

Your body can’t do much without important internal systems like your cardiovascular system, so you need to take care of them. Strong lungs and a steady heart will keep you going throughout your workout and beyond, and swimming is just the type of exercise that can help. Swimming is extra helpful because it requires you to hold your breath and control your breathing, which makes your lungs even stronger. There are many different ways to get your cardio in but spending time in the swimming pool may be the best bet for you.

Relieve Stress

It can be tough to motivate yourself to work out when you have too much on your plate or even when you’re feeling down after a rough day. On the other hand, you’ll be glad you decided to get your exercise in once you feel the endorphins. Exercise lifts your mood and reduces stress, and these effects may be particularly noticeable in swimmers. Many people find water soothing, and even looking at a nice backyard swimming pool or a peaceful lake can have mental health benefits. The same people might also find swimming to be a fun way to spend time and the distraction of this activity leads to lower stress levels.

Alleviate Symptoms of Asthma

Your cardiovascular system stands to gain a lot from your swimming workouts, and this is good news for people who suffer from asthma. A stronger heart and healthier lungs can reduce your symptoms and help you breathe properly. The controlled breathing associated with swimming works wonders in this case as well, so more laps in the backyard pool might be the key to having fewer asthma attacks. The air in an indoor swimming pool is also humid, which is easier for people with asthma to handle than the dry air they’d breathe in during a different kind of workout. If you have asthma, make sure your auto pool cleaner is working so you can breathe easily in your pool area.

Get Better Workouts

You can always combine different types of workouts to keep yourself on track and enjoy the healthiest body possible. Swimming regularly actually makes you better at working out in other ways, and this comes down to oxygen intake. Working out in the water teaches you how to control your breathing and make the most of your oxygen. You can apply these principles in any other situation life throws at you. Swimming helps you become better at working out as a whole, and you’ll notice the effects the next time you go to the gym, hit the track or play a game of pickup basketball.

Guest Blogger

Chris Hoffman  he can be reached at ch@backyardpoolsuperstore.com or his website.