When you are depressed and under addiction be it alcohol or drugs, the whole world will look like you are their enemy. The only friend you can talk to is you! People undergoing addiction treatment in various rehabs know this as we will see under phoenix house reviews later in their post. Psychologists have different tools to help you get well fast, and one of them is the journal for sobriety.

What is Journal for Sobriety?

If you read about notable people who have been to prisons, you will discover they write one of their best books when they are under lock and key. This is because the only one you can talk to when in prison is you. This is the time you can reflect on your life and communicate your pain and happiness. Therefore, the sobriety journal gives every patient in rehab the opportunity to reconnect with the world within and through the pages of the journal to express their thoughts in more explicit terms.

Developing the skill to journal your way to joyful sobriety is something you need to cultivate. While the behaviorists would impress it on you to improve, you can only do that if you are know-how. For this reason, our objective in this write up is to teach you how to journal for sobriety and get a hold on yourself.

 How to write a sobriety journal?

If you read rehab centers in Cincinnati reviews, you will see that they are interested in making a real-life difference but what lies beneath that declaration is to teach you various skills to achieve that purpose. One of the key skills you will learn towards meeting your goal of rehab is to learn how to journal your sobriety. To help you do that, we will discuss the steps to start your journal.

1. Get the materials

The first thing you need is the materials to use for your journaling. If you have access to the internet, Google doc can be a great resource. If you don’t have access, you can use a notebook and keep it. You will need a pencil to jot your thoughts and find a quiet place where you can be alone to write.

2. Schedule your time

While journaling can take place anytime, it is helpful to commit a specific time to do it. Your life as someone wanting a second chance should be on with commitment and plan. Don’t let things happen by chance; take hold of your life.

3. Review and take action

Sobriety Journal will contain both good and bad feelings; going over your journal from time to time helps to open your eyes to areas of your life, you can focus and areas of your life to change. When you review your journal and discover something remarkable, take action immediately and see how your life takes a new turn for good.

After you have all it takes to write your journal, now let’s get to the meat of our discussion.

Write your thoughts systematically

When you are in rehab for addiction, as you will find out if you read reviews about different centers and specific programs that are delivered to give you headway within a short time. You don’t have to let addiction define who you are, and addiction aide makes an effort to find the best alcohol treatment center for you. As you go through various programs of the center, you want to watch how each program performs and write down in your sobriety journal how you feel. You are free to talk about people you meet, events that happen and things you daily. Also, at the end of every thought you write down, follow up with the action you need to take and when.

What should you write in your journal?

  1. Pleasing things. For you to commit ample time and capture every idea you may have, it is better to schedule the time to do this. Find a couple of minutes daily to write! You should note that your journal should mostly contain good things you like; things you are grateful for as they happen in your life. People you have met who are lovely, training you have had that are exceptional and stuff in your life you want to be thankful for.
  2. Affirmation. One reason you are in rehab is to give you a second chance in life. Whether you are on admission for drug rehabilitation or food addiction, you want to write down thoughts that get you to take action and work towards. However, your affirmation should not be in the future; you should make it in the now! Journal yourself for the present as that is the most crucial for you right now. You don’t want to be a better person next year; you want it now!
  3. Write everything that helps you to move forward positively. A better version of you is one who is the direct opposite of who you are right now. Write down anything that contributes to you achieving your immediate goal and helps to sustain it.

Benefits of sobriety journal

When you write down your innate thoughts today, you give yourself the opportunity to look back to today in the future and connect your world in a way to right your wrongs. As you look back to today, you give yourself the opportunity to learn about your past and refrain from committing the same mistakes.

Why do you need to journal your recovery effort?

The key to journaling is helping to interpret, understand, and learn from your life experiences. Writing your feeling and pleasant thoughts in a notebook each day prepares you for a life worth living. This activity done with passion and commitment will aid you in personal growth and healing throughout addiction recovery.

Bottom Line

When composing your sobriety journal, you want to write ideas that are genuinely about gratitude. This is not the time to race towards a life achievement and lust over material possession; it is time to appreciate yourself, the life you have and the sweet memories you had. Build your journal to bring out the best in you and connect with your good you!