Is spring characterised for you by snotty noses, endless sneezing and popping pills? If so, you may benefit from adopting a range of natural remedies that can provide relief from your hay fever symptoms and be implemented any time of the year.


Garlic is a well-known anti-inflammatory ingredient, boosting your immune system and reducing the irritation in your nasal passage and airways. Incorporate garlic in your cooking well before spring begins to start building up your immunity, and eat garlic-rich meals when your hay fever symptoms are at their worst to provide relief.


Local honey works as an immunisation shot against hay fever, getting you used to the type of pollen that the bees in your area feed on, which is the same pollen that you are reacting to. Begin eating honey several weeks before spring begins to prepare yourself, or better yet, incorporate it into your diet throughout the year in the form of teas, desserts or just eaten raw for a sweet treat.


Not only does the warmth of tea help to break down congestion, but particular varieties of tea can act as a natural antihistamine and strengthen the immune system. This includes varieties made from ginger, peppermint, nettle or liquorice, all of which have anti-inflammatory or decongestant properties.


Eucalyptus has cleansing properties, making it ideal for being dispersed throughout the home in the form of a spray. This will eliminate any allergens in your home that are causing you to experience hay fever symptoms while providing a fresh scent.

Get Steamy

Steam is highly effective at clearing a stuffy nose. Try using a humidifier in your bedroom or a steam bowl whenever you need to clear your airways. Adding lemon myrtle or eucalyptus essential oils to your humidifier will further help to kill any allergens in the air.

Use a Neti Pot

Neti pots can be filled with warm sea salt solution, which is highly effective for flushing out your nasal passages and eliminating irritants. Use it every time you are feeling the symptoms kicking in.

Spicy Food

Spicy food like chilli, horseradish and wasabi unlock your nasal passages, allowing you to breathe freely. Stock up on these ingredients when your symptoms are at their worst for instant relief.


Turmeric is an excellent ingredient to work into your diet, whether that’s in the form of spicy curries or a simple turmeric latte. A recent study found that turmeric prevents mast cells from releasing histamine, so for best results, eat turmeric all year round.

Avoid Dairy

Dairy products like milk, yogurt and cheese cause the blood vessels in your nose to swell, creating congestion and discomfort.

Reduce Alcohol Consumption

All types of alcohol contain histamine, which will worsen your hay fever symptoms.


Acupuncture * helps the body regulate itself better, allowing your body to fight off pathogens like pollen and ease congestion. By stimulating the sinuses, acupuncture allows you to experience reduced congestion and easier breathing.  *SKFitLife does not endorse any products or services mentioned by guest bloggers.

Nasal Barrier

Smearing Vaseline or a balm around the entrance of your nose will trap pollen before it enters your nasal passage.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C is a natural antihistamine, acting as a decongestant and providing relief from other allergy symptoms. Make sure to get plenty of citrus fruits, but also remember that vegetables like broccoli and capsicum are also high in vitamin C.

Keep Your Clothes Clean

Dust and clothing clings to our clothes, meaning you could unknowingly be walking around covered in pollen. Get changed as soon as you come home and put your clothes away in the laundry so that you are not spreading pollen throughout your home and continuing to aggravate your symptoms.

The best thing you can do to prepare for the hay fever season is to enact the above measures a few weeks beforehand. Start making changes to your diet and scheduling in acupuncture appointments so that your body is prepared for when hay fever season hits.

If antihistamines leave you feeling drowsy or you are simply wanting to reign in your medicine consumption, start utilising the above tips to experience relief from hay fever and finally enjoy the beautiful weather and longer days that come with spring.

Guest Blogger

Justin Jersey is a journalist, stylist, and blogger. He is an aesthetician by heart who often writes about Art, Fashion, decorating and DIY ideas. He loves sparking creativity and giving them ideas for their own spaces.  You can find me on:
