Do you struggle with labels such as “Fat Free” or “Sugar Free”? Do you wonder about how you should be dealing with these?

You will want to avoid these products in general.

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Some of you may be thinking, “but aren’t they healthier?” The short answer is NO. They have most likely been modified in some way so that they can be fat free or sugar free.

I want to cover the “sugar free” label first… Numerous studies have linked the use of artificial sweeteners to:

  • Stimulating your appetite
  • Increasing carbohydrate cravings
  • Stimulating fat storage and weight gain

weight lossWait… aren’t these “sugar free” foods known as diet foods? Check out this article on how artificial sweeteners can actually CAUSE MORE WEIGHT GAIN.

This is not to say that ALL products marked as “Fat Free” or “Sugar Free” have to be avoided at all costs because there are some pretty slick marketing tactics out there… such as marking an apple “fat free”. LOL! Ummmm… thanks.



No sugar added is a better label but you will still want to check the label for things like:

  • Acesulfame potassium
  • Alitame
  • Aspartame (As you can see in the chart below, you will REALLY want to AVOID this one!)
  • Salt of aspartame-acesulfame
  • Cyclamate
  • Dulcin
  • Glucin
  • Neohesperidin dihydrochalcone
  • Neotame
  • Saccharin
  • Sucralosedangers of artificial sweeteners


weight loss secretsThese are all artificial sweeteners that are added to products in order to replace the sugar that has been removed.

When they remove the fat, they typically add sugar for flavor (since fat WAS the flavor enhancer before). When they make it sugar free, they add artificial sweetener. YUCK!

My personal rule of thumb… If man made it, it should not be consumed (or at least minimized) and if there are commercials on television about it, stay away. Sticking with foods that some from nature are best regardless of that the packaging says.