Most of us are used to working hard to achieve one or the other separately, whether it’s chasing after that summer figure you’ve envisioned, or preventing those pesky drops in your immune system. However, chances are that introducing a few healthy and smart habits into your routine may be the perfect solution to achieve both!

If you think about it, it’s difficult to ever find an all-around solution to get rid of acne and zits without adjusting your diet and abandoning those sweets. And it’s equally impossible to say goodbye to those annoying layers of fat on your belly if you don’t do the same. In fact, the following universal tips are aimed at both getting a fitter, healthier physique and making the most of your natural beauty, so get ready to make some changes and enjoy your hard-earned look and feel.

Revamp your beauty sleep

Without getting enough shut-eye, your body will start to rebel against any other health and beauty efforts you might be forcing on it. A touch of makeup might be able to hide those dark circles for a while, but prolonged lack of sleep is a mighty enemy for your beauty kit and an even greater one for your overall well-being.

Not enough sleep or getting low-quality Zzz’s means wreaking havoc on your hormones, draining your energy, and affecting your immune system. To prevent all this mess, create a structured sleeping schedule that will allow your body to get quality, uninterrupted sleep, and enough of it. It means ditching those pesky screens in the one or two hours before bed, creating a relaxing ritual to prep your mind, and you can add a healthy facial mask such as this PowerFoil Mask to give your skin an added beauty boost.

Don’t skip your workout

As you’ve likely realized by now, there are no shortcuts to health or beauty, and you’ll need to invest time and effort into finding the right routine to achieve your goals. Make sure that exercise is a part of that routine, because your body, mind, and your looks truly depend on it. It’s not just your lovely legs or getting rid of that muffin top, but letting your skin maintain its youthful radiance!

Do whatever you can to keep yourself inspired and simplify the process. For example, you can use various tools and apps like Mind Beauty, designed to help you schedule your next appointment in a matter of moments, whether it’s a yoga class or renewing your gym membership. There are no more excuses, it’s time to make a commitment to your health and beauty!

Nutrition essentials

The one factor that affects your beauty and your health potentially more than all others is your daily menu. Consuming the right foods at the right time and in the healthy amounts means giving your skin proper nutrition to prevent premature wrinkles, oxidative stress, and the damaging effects of unhealthy ingredients such as sugar. And we all know what unhealthy bites can do to your health, so why bother?

Another crucial segment of your regime is your hydration, but most importantly, your water intake. Although an occasional cup of coffee is fine, healthy even, you cannot use any juice or soda to swap your water. Dehydration can damage your pores as well as your body, so keep your water bottle such as Klean Kanteen always at your side and sip away!

Make self-care a priority

While you won’t skip your best friend’s birthday party or the chance to see your favorite band, these should be exceptions rather than rules of your everyday behavior patterns. Just like you wouldn’t start going to the office two hours late or skip your dentist’s checkup, make sure that there’s always time in your schedule to do what you need to stay healthy and feel good in your own skin.

If you’re tired, work in a little nap in your afternoon. In case your skin feels dull and exhausted, pamper yourself with a facial oil or book a massage to get rid of your daily stress. There will be days when self-care will come naturally, and others when it will feel like a chore – work through the tough days with the help of your trusty system of habits, and they will always be outnumbered by the good ones!

Guest Blogger

Mia Taylor, she can be reached at or through her website.