Brushing and flossing daily is an essential part to prevent tooth decay and gum disease, but did you know that diet also affects oral health? The foods you consume and avoid can help you maintain shinier, healthier, cavity-free pearly whites.

Looking for a natural way to whiten your teeth? Strawberries are loaded with vitamin C, antioxidants, and malic acid ā€” a natural enamel whitener. The vitamin C in strawberries reinforces blood vessels and shrinks inflammation, which promotes healthy gums. Vitamin C is also essential to produce collagen, a key protein that helps fight periodontal disease. Without this essential vitamin, your gums could become sensitive and more susceptible to bacteria.

While raisins may seem harmful to oral health, because of their sticky appearance and sweet taste, the opposite may in fact, be true. Researchers found that oleanolic acid ā€” a phytochemical in raisins ā€” prevented cavity-causing bacteria from sticking to surfaces. This ability enables it to fight bacteria in the mouth that causes cavities and gum disease. For a guilt-free snack, aim for raisins with no added sugar.

To learn more about which foods are best for optimum oral health, take a look at the accompanying infographic.

This infographic was created by McLean DDS.