The New Me

The New Me

I am so proud of my mom… I have watched her struggle with her weight my entire life and nothing makes me happier than seeing her looking and feeling great! Thank you, Mom, for sharing your fitness journey with us… Since childhood I have struggled with...
Just Breathe

Just Breathe

So I’ve been telling myself that I’m going to start taking some yoga to help me relax, stretch, meditate, and just clear my mind.  I’ve been saying this for the past three months, and I got tired of putting it off.  After all, I should be somewhere near the top of my...


Earlier this week, a good friend of mine was talking about how great it is when something wonderful happens unexpectedly. It reminded me of one of my all-time favorite words, serendipity. According to Wikipedia: “Serendipity is when someone finds something that...
Eating Clean on the Road

Eating Clean on the Road

Eating clean is always a challenge and eating clean while on the road is extra challenging. This week I welcomed that challenge. I was scheduled to travel for work this week and with the Arnold just 10 days away, I really needed to be on top of my nutrition, so this...