You’re running late for work, it’s about to start raining and you haven’t got your umbrella, plus you’ve just realized there’s some weird stain on your shirt. The day hasn’t even begun properly and your head is already about to explode from stress. A couple weeks of vacation would do wonders for you, especially on some sunny beach, with a nice cocktail and a good book. However, your schedule is sometimes too dense for even a cup of coffee when you need it, so you can forget about the vacation. However, you need to get rid of all the stress before it drives you insane. Luckily, there are ways to relax in only five minutes, so that you can keep your head straight and your mind sharp. Here are some of those ways.

Have a cup of teaHave a cup of tea

A nice hot cup of herbal tea can help you find some inner peace and relieve you of any tension. Choose chamomile, peppermint or green tea, since they can help you calm down and relax your muscles. Plus, while having your tea, you can take some time to think about the good things in life, rather than about your next deadline.

Call your best friend

Having a conversation with a person you love and trust can make all the difference in the world. Just knowing that there is somebody out there who understands you and cares about how you feel can help you ease your mind. Friends make us happier, plus they might offer you some valuable advice on how to resolve any problems you have.


Shutting yourself out of reality and imagining things and situations that make you happy can help you relax. Daydreaming gives you the chance to separate yourself from what’s bothering you and boosts your mood instantly. Imagine yourself on that beach and with a perfect man or a woman, or being six and on a swing tire. The sky is your limit.

Listen to your favorite songListen to your favorite song

This is another quick fix for a bad mood. Listening to your favorite song can chase the dark clouds above your head away. And if you’re somewhere you feel comfortable enough to sing, even better. However, if you’re in a public place, putting your headphones on and tapping your feet to the rhythm will do.

Have a quick bath

Although you might be used to long baths, soaking yourself in warm water for five minutes might lift your mood just as well. There’s nothing like comfortable bath tubs filled with water of the perfect temperature and a nice-smelling bubble bath. The trick is to spend time in a horizontal position for a while, which is both relaxing and uplifting.

Color away

If you know you get stressed often, have an adult coloring book and some crayons at hand and use them when necessary. Concentrating on small details in a drawing and trying to stay within the lines will relax your mind and reduce your anxiety in no time. Just five minutes of this activity and you’ll feel much better.


Most physical activity is stress-relieving, but stretching is probably the easiest way to have a bit of workout wherever you are. It will help remove muscle tension, improve your circulation and improve your mood without having to leave your office.

Cuddle with your pet

Pets are amazing. Not only are they a source of love and optimism, but they can also lower your stress, make you feel more positive and even boost your immune system. So, give your pet a big hug and a cuddle. They’ll love it just as much as you will.

Eat a mango

Mangos contain linalool, a compound that can help minimize your stress levels and get you relaxed in those few minutes it takes you to eat one. Plus, that wonderful taste of a tropical paradise alone would probably be enough to make you feel great.

No matter how busy you are, you can always take a five-minute break to relax. It will be worth the time, since you’ll find it easier to get through the day and all your assignments, and you’ll probably be more productive because of it.

Guest Blogger

Diana Smith  Goggle+