A healthy and disease-free life is strongly linked to the way people live their life.  Poor lifestyle choices, such as smoking, overuse of alcohol, poor diet, lack of physical activity and inadequate relief of chronic stress are key factors in the development and progression of lifestyle diseases.  In developing countries, lifestyle diseases account for 53 percent of death and disorders. In the United States alone they are responsible for 60 percent of all deaths. In the United Kingdom these diseases -which include heart disease, cancer, and diabetes, kill almost 90 percent of people.  Many studies have proved that diet and lifestyle are major factors responsible for the longevity and fitness. Evidence-based studies also indicate that longevity is based on two major factors- genetics and lifestyle choices.  An interesting study by Harvard University says that we can add more than a decade to life expectancy by adopting an active lifestyle and choosing the correct diet.

1. Intake of Protein

Protein is essential for the health, fitness, and longevity. It is the building block of our body.  The protein repairs damaged cells and create new ones. It is an integral part of bones, muscles, skin, blood, hormones, enzymes and other body chemicals.  A healthy lifestyle must include protein-rich foods. Consider including the protein in your diet.   To get maximum health benefits from protein, consume it in the right quantity and the right type.  Foods such as seafood, eggs, milk, beans, and soya are healthy sources of protein. Take Porridge, whole grains, fruits to fulfill your protein requirement.

2. The Fibre in Your Diet

Fiber associates with our digestive system. It is the fiber in our diet that regulates the bowel movement and keeps digestion healthy.  A right amount of fiber benefits in controlling cholesterol and blood sugar. A fibre-rich diet regulates the level of glucose and cholesterol in the blood.   Fiber is an important constituent in whole grains, apples, bananas, pears, strawberries, oranges and leafy vegetables. A daily intake of 25-35 grams of fiber is essential for the body.

3. Consumption of Caffeine

Caffeine is chemically known as 1,3,7-trimethylxanthine. It is a nervous system stimulant which is responsible for mental alertness and a mood boost.  Beverages like coffee, tea, kola nuts, energy drinks and sodas are very rich in caffeine content. Caffeine reduces the risk of dangerous disease like cancer. However, its excessive intake can even cause a damage to the body.  According to research, consuming 300 mg of caffeine per day is beneficial for the body, but taking more than it is harmful. So, do not have more than 2 cups of coffee a day!

4. Alcohol and Smoking

Alcohol and smoking deliver a pleasurable effect with body becoming relaxed, confident and happy.  But wait! You have to pay for it with slowed reflexes, reduced coordination, warped thinking, poor judgment, impaired memory, impaired motor functions, and plenty more impairments.  If you want to live longer, avoid the habit of smoking and drinking alcohol. Period.  While smoking leads to deadly disease like cancer, alcohol makes the body weak. Moreover, it causes lever related illnesses. Alcohol also adversely affects urine excretion. It interferes with antidiuretic hormone (ADH) secretion consequently affecting our kidneys.  So, distancing yourself from alcohol and smoking is another key factor for a healthy life.

5. Avoid Excess Sugar

If you have a sweet tooth, it can be hard for you to distance yourself from sugar products. However, an excess of sweetened foods causes many adverse health effects.  In conclusion, to get a sweetness in your life, it is important to reduce the quantity of sugar in your food. An excess consumption of sugar gets you a high risk of diabetes, brain, and heart-related diseases.  Moreover, the consumption of soft drinks should also be limited. This is because sugar and acids in soda, like phosphoric acid and carbonic acid, are responsible for the tooth decay. They spike your sugar level and cause weight gain.

6. Avoid Stress in Your Life

At some point in life, everyone experiences stress and anxiety. It can lead to many health-related diseases, such as insomnia, hypertension. These disorders accelerate premature aging.  Therefore, it is very necessary to avoid stress and factors that cause anxiety.  The best remedy to stress and anxiety is to always think positive and focus on what is rational and beautiful. This can help you excel in life.  Try to never let anxiety and depression control your life.

7. Adopting an Active Lifestyle

Adopting an active lifestyle will increase your strength and boost your resistance. An increased physical and social activity also contributes positives to your physical, mental and social well-being.  Physical activity delivers oxygen and nutrients to your cells by improving heart and blood vessels function. Consequently, this improves your stamina to carry out regular tasks. The activity of mixing socially with others improves your mood and makes you more relaxed.  In this context, exercise is very important to avoid illnesses. By regular exercise, you can save yourself from many serious diseases. Exercising for 30-40 minutes every day is quite beneficial to stay alive and kicking.

8. Understand the Importance of Water

Water is vital for the body. It regulates temperature and other functions in cells, organs, and tissues. It also causes the toxic substances of the body to get out of the body. Apart from this, it prevents obesity too!  Dehydration is a condition that can occur when your body does not have as much water as it needs. Medical researchers say depression and headache are linked to dehydration. Now, 85% of brain tissue is water, the loss of water causes energy depletion in the brain causing this disorder.  Medical experts suggest drinking 8-10 glasses of water every day.

9. Adequate Sleep

A deep sleep directly affects your mental and physical health and the quality of your waking life. Sleeping well re-energizes the body cells and improves learning and memory.  Sleep disturbance is one of the top symptoms of the major depressive disorder. An inadequate sleep shortens your life expectancy. It is observed that less than five hours of sleep doubles the risk of death from cardiovascular diseases.  Try to get 7-8 hours of sleep every day. This is extremely important to keep your brain healthy and remove stress.

Guest Blogger

Himanshu Jha, Himanshu Jha is the founder and editor of lifebing.com. He loves to blog about health, wellness and fitness issues.  He can be reached at himanshu@lifebing.com