Most of the people today spend the majority of their day indoors. Because the office jobs, car commutes, cooking and home cleaning, working out at gyms and relaxing in front of the TV, some people don’t even get to see the sun, even though the outdoors has so many benefits for us. Here are just some of the benefits the outdoors has in store for us.

You’ll get some fresh air

Many people think only the outdoor air can be polluted, but the reality is much different. According to some researchers, the indoor air is several times more polluted than the air in front of our homes! Things like carbon monoxide, VOCs, flame retardants, formaldehyde, mold, dust, pet dander and cigarette smoke all have a horrible effect on human health. So, go out and catch some fresh air!

You’ll have enough vitamin D

According to some experts, so many people suffer from vitamin D deficiency that it can be considered a worldwide pandemic! Low levels of this precious vitamin we get from the sun can cause heart disease, Alzheimer’s, weak bones, depression and even complications during pregnancy. However, just 15 minutes of sun exposure a day can provide you with normal vitamin D doses. On the other hand, supplements can also keep you healthy, but they shouldn’t completely replace the sunshine.

You’ll be more active

People who exercise outdoors usually exert more energy, take longer workouts and burn more calories than those who go to the gym. So, take your workout outside or even ditch your car and walk or bike to work at least two times a week! If you have a longer commute, you can still bike with a little help from technology. Today, there are popular electric bikes that can give you a little boost when you need it and make your commute easier. They come in both city and mountain versions, so you can take them for a spin to work or go off-road.

You’ll reduce stress

If you’ve ever taken a nature walk, you’ve probably experienced this phenomenon yourself — nature instantly makes you feel relaxed and stress-free. Even a simple walk around the block can help shed some stress and improve your mood. However, nature and greenery have the best effect. They can have such a strong influence on the brain that it even shows on the EEG recording. So, go out and let nature cure you.

You’ll improve your focus

If you’re stuck with a work or school problem you can’t solve, try going outside. Some fresh air and greenery will help you with focus, memory and attention. Doctors even tend to prescribe nature walks to their ADHD patients, especially to school children who have trouble concentrating!

You’ll sleep like a baby

Since your quality of sleep directly depends on your natural circadian rhythm and hormones like melatonin (which are both affected by sunlight exposure), if you want to sleep like a baby, go outside! No, you don’t have to move your bed to your backyard, but simply spend more time outdoors. It will bring your natural rhythm to normal, balance your hormones and help you doze off without any issues.

You’ll feel more energized

Even though it might seem contradictory, those who often take long nature walks report feeling energized and vital. The presence of nature also helps reduce exhaustion and gives you more motivation to continue staying active. So, next time you feel low, go outside instead of reaching for a tall cup of coffee!

What are you waiting for? Unplug, grab some comfy clothes and step outside. No matter what you do, simply soak up some sun or engage in a physical activity, you’ll instantly feel refreshed and ready to tackle everything life throws your way.

Guest Blogger

Diana Smith can be reached at or through her website.