Body training is a life-changing experience for more than one reason. It is not just the visible body changes but also the mental and psychological boost that usually comes hand in hand. Still, one major issue is that many people become bored with their usual training routine and, very often, quit. However, there are always alternatives. The “multi-sport” method can prove to be very useful for the boredom factor. After all, training should be fun and not another task that we “must” do. In the following sections, we will discuss swimming, planks, squats, wall sits, and pushups as training activities for improving stamina and muscular endurance. 

What Is Muscular Endurance?

A primary objective for practicing any athletic activity is to achieve and maintain muscular endurance. Muscular endurance is the ability to perform a specific muscular action for an extended time. Thus, it indicates how long your muscles perform a particular action, which is an essential ability because it allows the carrying out of daily activities like moving objects, opening doors, or steering your car. It is also the first step for achieving muscular strength, which measures how hard your muscles can perform an activity and are the maximum force your muscles can develop in a single contraction. To give a simple example, one’s ability to lift a barbell for one repetition defines his muscular strength. Both muscular endurance and strength are vital for improving endurance. So, let us see how each of the aforementioned training activities contribute to enhancing muscular endurance and strength. 


First of all, let’s clarify that you don’t need to have a super body to be a swimmer. Swimming can be a low-impact sport. In any case, it all depends on the swimming program you follow and the objectives you set. 

 A typical misconception comes from the image of professional or competitive swimmers with super fit bodies. Think for a second that no one had these bodies when they started swimming lessons. This kind of body transformation happens because swimming exercises a wide range of muscle groups. The whole human body is incorporated while swimming if you perform a variety of swimming styles and techniques. That’s why swimming can build your body and produce visible and impressive results. Furthermore, two more crucial factors boost stamina and strengthen muscles:

  • The element of water
  • The role of breathing

Water changes the whole nature of the sport because it applies constant pressure on the human body. Water-resistance forces the body to move and builds stamina, endurance, and muscle consistently. At the same time, it is the perfect element for a varied training program, making it a lot of fun.

As far as breathing is concerned, learning how to use your breath is essential not only for swimming but also for overall health. 


Planks are a very different exercise compared to swimming, but still a very effective one. Swimming lacks a lot of variety and is considered a conditioning exercise, promoting endurance in the backs, abs, glutes, and hamstrings, as well as strengthening the core and the lower back of the body. For people working in a sedentary job, planks are recommended. Because of the high energy, it demands to perform, it burns calories at a high rate and accelerates metabolism. Planks are also highly recommended for people who have minimal spare time and find it difficult to get out of their homes. Before practicing it, you should have a tutorial with a professional to explain to you the right way to perform it. It is highly challenging and can have the quickest results if you practice it frequently. 


Squats, like planks, is a sophisticated training activity. Apart from the muscles, it is an exercise that is highly beneficial for the stability of joints. Because it engages the hips, ankles, and knees, squats reinforce flexibility, mobility, and balance and prevent injuries. Other benefits are the enhancement of digestion and circulation, allowing more oxygen to move through the body. Squats are primarily positive for the building of leg muscles and can also be a great way to maintain steady body weight. Last but not least: Squats can even improve the sex life of men and women because it increases testosterone production and blood flow to the genitalia.

Wall Sits

Wall sits may look relaxed and one-dimensional, but the truth is different: It is not just a leg exercise, but it works the whole lower body. It is considered to be one of the best practices for increasing muscular endurance. It’s ideal for tightening the muscles in the thighs and strengthening the quadriceps muscles. Like all the previous training activities, it helps losing weight. Not only that, but it builds stability in the knees and reinforces good posture. And again, like planks and squats, it can be practiced in the comfort of your house, as you only need a wall and learning the right technique. You will be surprised by its efficiency. 


Another neglected training activity is classic pushups. Which is probably the most important exercise of all. Most of us, if not all, have done it or still performing it. There is a reason for that: It is the only intense training activity that can be done, literally, everywhere. No special equipment is required, neither a special facility. As for its benefits, they are massive. When practicing pushups, nearly all major muscles activate. Such as the chest muscles, biceps, triceps, shoulders, and abdominals.

Which is why you feel this trademark muscle “burn” after the practice. Pushups are also one of the best methods for increasing muscular endurance and developing body stamina.     

It’s not unusual to feel tired with your usual workout. The key is to think out of the box. There’s a great choice of training activities, so you don’t need to be “stuck” in just one. Adding variety is a crucial element for keeping the vibe alive. And most of all, we shall never forget that our health is our most valuable asset.