How do you deal with plateaus? How do you stay motivated?

When I hit a plateau, I first make sure I am doing everything I can do… getting all of my training in, resting enough, and logging my food (this one has caught up to me before). From there, I also take an inventory of the other factors in my life…

1.) Am I eating enough? (This isn’t usually a problem since my hunger takes over before I can under eat)
2.) Am I getting enough sleep? Not getting enough sleep can cause weight loss progress to come to a halt.
3.) Is there anything else affecting my hormone levels? (Including stress).

I also focus on getting stronger. I am always trying to push harder, sprint faster, and grow my muscles. Plateaus are a natural part of the fitness journey. Our bodies are really smart and if they sense any threat (famine, fight/flight, stress, etc.), they will hold onto precious body fat “just in case”.



Posted in: Nutrition, Training