As we age, there’s a tendency to let ourselves go. We slow down, as does our metabolism. People stop watching their diets, which only helps weight gain due to less activity. But there is no reason to stop being healthy, even after 5 decades. Staying active and taking care of our bodies can prolong our life and stave off sickness. Here is how and why you should stay fit after 50.

Get diet in check

The fact that our metabolism slows down drastically when we are 50, means that we burn less calories a day. If we don’t compensate and fix our diets, weight can creep up easily. Saturated fats and sugars are bad for us, even more so as we get older. It would be good to substitute red meat with healthier options, like fish for example which are full of healthy fats. Regardless of age, more fruits and vegetables are always a diet improvement. Fast food should not be a part of your diet if you are over 50.

Less salt

At the age of 50, blood pressure is a big concern. Getting older means our blood vessels lose elasticity, this can lead to hypertension. High blood pressure can cause heart failure, stroke and have fatal consequences. Salt can lead to this, try to cut back salt as much as possible. Processed food are rich with salt, so try to stay away from chips, canned goods and packaged food. Potassium can decrease the effects of salt, eat a banana every now and then to help with blood pressure.

Be mindful of your joints

When we reach the 50, our joints aren’t as flexible as they used to be. This doesn’t mean we have to give up exercise altogether. Try out activities that are not tasking on them. Jogging is one of them, people with joint problems could also try exercising in water. Calorie expenditure is greater because of water resistance, and it is lighter on the joints. Walking and yoga are also great exercise for people with joint problems.

Hit the gym

It is estimated that we have 20 percent less muscle mass when we hit 50. Less muscle means smaller calorie consumption, this can make losing excess weight even harder. This is why going to the gym and doing weight training is a great idea. It will help keep the muscles you have, and it can lead to muscle hypertrophy. Most gyms have personal trainers, they can help you put a workout plan together. If you are in one of the over 50’s resorts you can have an appropriate workout plan that suits your needs.

Stress can wreck your diet

While we get older, the responsibilities just keep piling up. Perhaps you have children attending college, work stress is a big factor as well. Stress leads to binge eating, especially sugary and junk foods because they make us feel better. It is actually all the sugar and fats in it that trick our brains into feeling good. Consider meditation as a stress relief tool. Other relaxation techniques like yoga or deep breathing can be helpful as well.

Sleep better

Sleeping is important for replenishing energy. Even though you feel like you need less sleep than before, try not to get less than 7 hours of good rest. Cutting back on sleep can cause tiredness the next day. Depression and stress can cause sleepless nights as well. It would be wise to consult with a physician for medication to help with better sleep.

Just because you reached the big 50, it doesn’t mean it is time to let yourself go. Keep good care of your health, exercise and watch your diet. Doing this can prolong your life and help lead a better life.