Cold season, a short light day, the absence of a warm sun and frequent walks are stressful for our body. Therefore, in order to maintain our activity and vitality, our expert advises, first of all, to emphasize the regular use of protein:

We have to eat protein with every meal, because it is a building block for the cells of the immune system, immunoglobulins, which increases the protective forces and promotes rapid recovery of the body. However, the choice of protein must be approached carefully. The nutritionists recommend eating eggs in the form of an omelet or cooked soft-boiled, as well as fermented milk products (cottage cheese with vegetables or fruits/berries).

Cottage cheese should be of normal fat content, not less than 5%. Diversify the protein menu with low-fat varieties of meat like poultry, chicken, and fish. Nevertheless, meat or fish should not be fried – give preference to boiled or steamed. The intake of protein is due to the fact that it is not being accumulated in the body and therefore must come with every meal, but in moderation: not more than 25% and the remaining 75% should include vegetables and cereals.

Fragrant fight

In time, remember about phytoncides, which are contained in onions and garlic. Non-lovers of these “fragrant”, but extremely useful additives, should include ginger and turmeric in the diet, as an alternative.

Phytoncides are natural antibiotics and antiviral agents. It is necessary to consume products with their content in the autumn period daily. They oppress bacteria, viruses, prevent their reproduction. These are natural antibiotics that do not have side effects.

Do not overdo it by adding onions and garlic in each dish. It is enough to eat a quarter of a small onion and 1-2 cloves of garlic. If you prefer ginger, then the necessary dose, which allows you to arm the body to fight viruses is 2-3 cups of ginger tea a day. However, turmeric should now become your constant companion – if you want to be healthy, nutritionists advise adding it to all dishes (vegetable soups, gravies, meat, etc.). There should be about half the teaspoon of the healing powder in one portion

Vitamins above all!

Drinks occupy a special niche in our menu, and in autumn, their choice should be approached with special care.

In the cold season, ginger tea, which is a source of phytoncides, should be consumed. It is enough to drink 2-3 cups of this tea a day to keep the body in order. In addition, it is necessary to take as a rule to drink half a cup of wild rose infusion every morning and every evening, which will support the required amount of vitamin C in the body.

The nutritionists advise to eat seasonal vegetables and fruits rich in vitamin C. Vitamin C also, unfortunately, is not being accumulated in the body, so its supplies must be constantly maintained. It has anti-inflammatory, antiviral properties, shortens the duration of the disease and prevents the development of complications.

Oranges are extremely rich in vitamin C. You need to know how to use this healing power in full measure.

  1. Soak the cotton disc in fresh orange juice and wipe your face, neck and décolleté zone. After 2 hours, rinse the juice and apply a nourishing cream. This mask perfectly cleanses the skin of the face.
  2. Cut the orange peel from a single fruit and pour it with a glass of boiling water. Breathe the mixture until the liquid cools. Such a recipe will save you from a bad mood and restore your strength.
  3. According to American scientists, 3 oranges per day improve male strength.
  4. 2 oranges before going to bed will help restore intestinal functions and relieve constipation.
  5. In autumn, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract become aggravated – 100 ml of orange juice will help fight gastritis.
  6. A curd-orange mask will help to improve the condition of skin (remove dull color, peeling). Squeeze the juice from a half of the orange and mix with 2 tbsp. of fat cottage cheese. Apply the mask for 20 minutes and rinse with cool water.
  7. Nutritionists recommend parting with fat reserves, which are not useful in winter, with the help of grapefruit. You should eat 1 half a grapefruit (peeled from the films) before each meal. Enzymes of this citrus have the ability to break down fats.
  8. Grapefruit juice will help to remove unwanted freckles. To do this, you need to wipe the skin with a slice of fruit, peeled from the films, during the week in the morning and in the evening.
  9. Microcracks, pimples on the hands that appear in the autumn, are amenable to healing thanks to citrus oils. To do this, take the peel of the grapefruit and wipe the problem areas, and then cover the skin with the film for 20 minutes. After that, the treated skin should be greased with olive oil.
  10. When the weather changes and it becomes cold, it is useful to drink a glass of grapefruit fresh. You can add ginger and honey to it if desired.
  11. A bad mood will be improved thanks to mandarin essential oil. In addition, not only the fruit itself is useful, but also the contemplation of orange balls spread out around the room. Scientists say that we get the charge of vivacity thanks to the color of this fruit.
  12. Mandarin oil also acts as an antidepressant.
  13. Mandarin oil should be added to the body cream. It will give elasticity to the skin, and also help fight against cellulite.
  14. With a lack of sun, it is worthwhile to lean on tangerines because of the presence of vitamin D in them. It compensates for the lack of ultraviolet light.
  15. For the prevention of colds and flu folk doctors recommend pouring 2 tbsp. of finely chopped peel with a glass of vodka. Let it brew for 7 days. Drink 20 drops three times a day 20 minutes before eating.
  16. Weakened nails will become stronger if the mandarin juice is rubbed into the nail.
  17. Dull hair will acquire shine and radiance if after each washing head is rinsed with green tea, which is brewed together with the peel of one mandarin.
  18. Mandarins burn fatty deposits. Regular consumption of this fruit can remove the extra pounds that accumulate on the belly.
  19. For the preparation of lemon detox water at home, it is necessary to squeeze the juice of one large lemon into 1-1.5 liters of cold purified water. Freshly squeezed lemon juice will instantly saturate the water with vitamins C and B, riboflavin, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and other useful minerals. You can add fresh mint, lemon balm or a few slices of fresh ginger root in the resulting lemon detox drink.
  20. If you are on a diet, try drinking a drink from the juice of one lemon, 4 glasses of green tea, a pinch of cinnamon and honey. It will help not only cope with extra pounds but also regulate appetite, encourage and raise vitality.

Fats for immunity

The next necessary item is the right fats. The work of all cells depends on the quality of fats in our diet. Therefore, every morning it is desirable to eat nuts. This can be the most common walnuts, 3-4 pieces, which will be an excellent addition to a cup of coffee.

The nutritionists also recommend the introduction of flax seeds into the diet – one or two teaspoons a day. They should be previously soaked in cold water, then added to yogurt, salads or any dishes that you eat.

Useful fats, according to the nutritionists, also enter the body with herring or mackerel. All these products contain omega-3 fats that have anti-inflammatory properties and are also important for maintaining immunity and health.

Vitamins from depression

The absence of the sun affects the lack of vitamin D in our body, and therefore, it should be seriously taken care of by everyone who wants to stay healthy. After all, it supports our nervous system and psyche in the right state. By having it in an appropriate amount, we will sleep well, and in the daytime, we will be active and cheerful. It can be eaten with cod liver once a week. You can also take the pharmacy vitamin D daily according to the dosage. It is necessary in the autumn period to everyone – adults and children.

In addition to the diet, the regime is also important – with the advent of the cold season, in order to fight the autumn depression, it is recommended to go to sleep earlier, because the hormone melatonin, which is produced in the body, is produced approximately from 12 to 3 am.

If we go to bed late, we will feel overwhelmed, depressed, tired. This fatigue accumulates and weakens the reserve capabilities of the body. As a consequence, it becomes difficult for the body to resist infections and it more difficult to bear them.

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