It’s a tough choice for lovers of fitness who cannot take up ten different activities all at once, but an even harder one for those who are yet to take the leap of fitness faith and turn their lives around. One wrong choice can wreak havoc on your motivation to keep going, whereas finding what suits you best can truly make a difference on your journey to better health.

To make things at least slightly easier (or even more challenging for the former who will find everything tempting), the following list of fun, effective and healthy workouts inside and out can help you make an informed decision. Or cry over not being a cat with nine lives to perfect them all.

The Perks Of An Inside Job

It’s safe to say that an indoor routine offers so many possibilities, you can practically consider them endless. The gym is a brilliant environment to exercise your entire body in, create a whole slew of versatile programs, and include your favorite cardio routine. Not to mention dance classes, martial arts, yoga, aerobics, you name it, it likely exists indoors.

The levels of comfort also rarely change, so weather cannot be your excuse to skip a session – you either have heat to warm you in winter, and an AC to keep you cool during summer. Yes, that means you’re accountable for your workouts, but you can at least make sure you’re comfortable and wrap up your training with a visit to a sauna, or a relaxing massage.

However, bear in mind that you need to make sure the environment you work out in is the best it can be. If you are working out at home, make sure to check out the best air purifier ratings online, and invest in a quality air purifier. If you are going to a gym, stay clear of the stuffy ones, where no one ever wipes the equipment after themselves.

Indoor Struggles

Simply put – walls. Since you share your limited space and a limited amount of equipment, waiting your turn for the squat rack or the smith machine is bound to happen. The same goes for your group classes, as if you get there last, you’ll likely end up with the shabbiest yoga mat there is, and stuck in a corner where you can barely see your instructor’s Tree Pose.

Another downside is that spending more time indoors keeps you away from sunlight, and you’re presumably already spending a number of hours at a desk or in an office. As beneficial as exercise can be, its perks are all the greater when you’re immersed in fresh air and sunshine.

The Great Outdoors

Versatility is not strictly reserved for the walls, on the contrary! Not only can you choose among a huge number of outdoor-friendly workouts, those programs can be adapted depending on your environment, and your surroundings can present quite a challenge – uphill tracks, rain, mud, wind or sun, they can all change their resistance levels when you least expect them.

Moreover, you’ll rarely perceive them as monotonous workouts. You can spend your Mondays riding a skateboard and performing stunts in the local park, while Wednesdays can be reserved for a bike ride for some adventure in nature. The fresh air, varying weather, and training difficulty all combine into one hell of a healthy workout.

The Not-So-Great Outdoors

Remember that post-training sauna and massage? Forget about them if you’re not a member of a fitness center, you can only look forward to a protein shake to resurrect you after a tough workout. Comfort levels can vary but are practically non-existent if you choose sports such as rock-climbing or uphill sprints.

Weather might be your friend in climates that allow running all-year-long, and for those with a mighty immune system, but for other parts of the globe, it can also be your worst enemy when the seasons change. There’s no way you can play beach volleyball or have your morning run when you’re snowed in in Canada.

Mix And Match?

Once you stop perceiving physical activity as a drudgery, exercising becomes more natural and easily incorporated into your lifestyle. Start by jogging or skating to work, spending your lunch breaks walking and eating your meal, or setting up “walk and talk” meetings as often as possible. Take the stairs and carry your groceries home as opposed to calling a taxi, and throw a frisbee with your pooch.

Simply put, it boils down to keeping your options and your mind open. Your personality will dictate your preferences, so you can rely on what keeps you motivated to create a workout plan that allows a few options indoors, and a few outdoor sports you can always turn to. Combine the best of both worlds, and you’ll no longer need excuses to stay tucked in at home.