

The divebomber push-up is a compound upper-body, strength-training exercise that can be done anywhere because it uses your own body weight as resistance. The divebomber push-up requires a greater level of coordination and strength than the regular push-up. The exercise will help to develop strength in your chest, shoulders, triceps and core.

How To

Perform a dive bomber pushup by placing your hands and feet on the ground with your hips raised toward the sky. Fully extend both legs and both arms so that your body is in a “V” shape.

Bend your elbows to lower your shoulders and chest toward the ground, and then sweep your chest forward just above the ground so that your body is parallel to the floor in a plank position. Straighten your arms to push your head up until your arms are straight and you are looking up.

Keep your legs straight and your hips positioned just inches off the ground. Return to starting position by reversing the movement, bending your arms, sweeping your chest down and back just an inch or two off the ground to bring yourself back to an inverted “V” shape.

Why I Love This Move!

It’s TOUGH! And it is great for strengthening stabilizing muscles in your shoulders, chest, arms, and core.

Why/When I Use This Move

I use this move when I am working out outdoors, at home, and even in the gym. Make sure you are warmed up before performing this move, especially your shoulders.

Give This a Try:

Make this a part of a HIIT workout…

2:00 running
2 divebombers
2:00 running
4 divebombers
2:00 running
6 divebombers
2:00 running
8 divebombers
2:00 running
6 divebombers
2:00 running
4 divebombers
2:00 running
2 divebombers

Watch it here!