The first time you smoke a cigarette you are vulnerable and prone to develop it into a habit. This habit is not easy to quit. You can say this is a challenge for most of us. Some of us tend to give up on the idea of quitting smoking and leave it to the Gods to help them while some of us realize and adapt all the different ways and means to get rid of this habit, which can even lead to a sorry death. This sounds harsh but the number of diseases related to smoking is difficult to count. Besides this, they are harsh diseases, which can cause extreme pain and discomfort.

Reasons for Quitting Smoking:

Smoking is responsible for multiple ailments. Some of them are curable but most of them are incurable, which means, you tend to suffer for the rest of your life with unbearable pains and a lot of discomforts. Not only the person who smokes but also the people around them suffer. Passive smoking tends to lead to the health problems in children and adults. Some of the ailments associated with smoking are:

  • Heart Disease: Nearly one in almost six death cases is related to smoking, which has caused heart failure and attacks.
  • Infertility: Not only women but also even men are affected by smoking. Conceiving a baby is problematic with a habit like smoking.
  • Lung Cancer: One of the major causes of lung cancer is smoking, as the smoke inhaled goes directly to the lungs.
  • Gum Disease: Gum diseases lead to the premature falling of teeth. You also face the problem of having stained teeth due to smoking.
  • Other Cancers: Most of the cancers of the nose, blood, mouth pancreatic, cervical are all related to smoking. A little effort taken to quit this menace can make life worth living. You can enjoy life to the fullest without any tensions or problems. Why waste your money on different doctors and treatments when there are better ways to make use of this.

Describing Hypnosis:

Hypnosis can be defined as a level of awareness on a different level altogether. Hypnotherapy is an effective way to quit smoking and also for tackling various other problems like sleep disorders and dealing with chronic pain. With hypnosis, you are in a relaxed state of mind, which makes you more receptive to suggestions. With hypnosis, you are definitely in a trance but are not at all unconscious state of mind. There is no way you can be forced to do anything which is against your will. In short, you need to have the ‘will’ to give up smoking and this can be easily achieved with hypnosis.

There are various centres or services that offer hypnotherapy, such as Seddon Centre, in Australia.  You will need to find one that is in your area and that fits what you are looking for.

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Hypnosis for Smokers:

A patient working towards quitting smoking, during hypnosis, is made to imagine some outcomes of smoking, which are definitely unpleasant. A hypnotherapist might suggest the smell of cigarette is similar to the exhaust of a vehicle or even suggest a feeling of a parched mouth and so on. Most of the hypnotists treating patients who are addicted to smoking work on three main factors,

1. Poisoning of the body due to smoking.

2. Not letting your body be alive.

3. Protecting and respecting your body.

Opting for a Hypnotist:

Taking this step of opting for a hypnotist is a major step for quitting this habit of smoking. This, therefore, needs careful considerations. You cannot afford to opt for just ‘any’ hypnotist. He/she needs to be experienced, qualified, and knowledgeable. Ensure they are licensed along with the required certifications. You need to beware of those who offer solutions, which are too good to be true.