By now, it should be a well-known fact that the conditions which we live in are a direct result of a long-term pollution of air, water and land. We ingest up to 90% of harmful substances through our food, which is the main cause of health problems. Using ingredients free of harmful ingredients is the first and basic precondition for a healthy diet and a healthy well-being in general.

organic food

What is organic, anyways?


Organic products are products obtained from a strictly controlled mode of production, which is regulated by law. The question everyone keeps asking is what constitutes organic products? Primarily, they are safe products without the presence of man-made substances and chemical synthetic pesticides.

These days, there is a wide range of organic products that are suited for various uses and modeled after the consumer’s wishes/tastes/health conditions. Predominantly, these are the foods of animal origin, foods for children, fruits, vegetables, dairy products, jams, oils, juices, coffee, and other. Even organic cosmetics are getting more and more popular, with organic packaging gaining five-star status. And the coffee? Well, lovers of this lovely drink are very often questioning the value of organic coffee, confused as to what organic coffee may actually be. Very simply, this is 100% Arabic first class type of coffee,  made of best coffee beans; the coffee is not only good for humans but safe for the environment, too! When you are presented with the opportunity to try organic coffee, don’t pass it up! The moment you take the first sip, you’ll notice that the flavor is way more intense than regular coffee and the aroma – heavenly.

What are the core benefits of organic products?

Enrich the human body – We don’t even need to question how healthy organic products are. For us as they are, without a doubt, the best option with a higher nutritional value than all other products we consume. Studies show that organic products contain 63% more of potassium, 73% more iron, 125% more calcium and 60% more zinc than the products obtained by conventional production.

 organic food

Contain reduced content of pollutants  

Pesticides and other chemicals are associated with plenty a disease, such as cancer, Alzheimer’s, allergies, obesity. With a regular (although, unintended) intake of toxins, it is quite expected for the body to experience a variety of negative reactions. This should be a reason enough to switch to organic food. Organic food is produced in an environmentally clean and healthy soil and in a clean environment without the use of chemical agents. The only type of foods that can be labeled healthy and give us what our bodies need for normal and healthy functioning are precisely foods produced this way.

The quality and safety of food

Organic products have an increased biological and nutritional value. This is reflected in the increased content of vitamins and minerals, calcium, magnesium, iron, omega-3 fatty acids and antioxidants, while completely free from additives, preservatives, emulsifiers, artificial colors and flavors, antibiotics, and hormones. Eating organic means providing a person with more life energy and strength, maintaining the immunity and vitality of the human body. The importance of organic diet is highlighted when it comes to children.


Environmental Protection

It is important to note that organic production contributes to minimal environmental pollution of soil, water, and air. It’s a cycle: healthy soil means healthy plants and animals, and – consequently – healthy people.

Make your own little garden and bring back the “forgotten taste of food from the countryside” into your family!