Q: Is your program for someone who would like to compete in a physique competition?

No, this program is not going to prepare you for a physique competition. Competition preparation is a very specialized training program and rigorous nutrition program. While I have infused all programs with my previous competition coaching experience to give you the best lifestyle program to get you LOOKING as fit as you are, this is still a lifestyle program.

Fitness competitions are just that, a competition. A sport. And for too many, it is an all-consuming sport. We encourage being your best at life in SKFitLife, not being the best on the stage at one single point in time.

If you are interested in competition prep, please check out this podcast interview I did with friend, and competition coach, Janelle: https://www.skfitlife.com/stop-chasing-skinny-episode-5-what-it-really-takes-to-train-for-a-fitness-competition-with-wbff-pro-and-competitive-fitness-coach-janelle-nicolo/

Posted in: SKFitLife Challenge