Please discuss carb rotation. I’ve been getting a lot of questions on it, so I think there are lots of ladies in the group who are curious, but haven’t asked the question yet.

When it comes to carb rotation, it is a strategy used to get those last few ounces of fat off of your body. It should only be used when you have been following a 90% clean diet for an extended period of time and have reached your limit of body fat reduction. If you have a very high muscle mass, low body fat, and have been following 90% clean, PORTIONED, and TIMED nutrition, you have pretty much reached the limits of leaning out at this point without sacrificing lean muscle mass by further cutting caloric intake. Carb cycling can have some very ugly “side effects” too if it is done too long or done by someone who does not recognize the signs/symptoms… it can cause binging and if done too long, can negatively impact your hormone levels and adrenals.


Posted in: Nutrition