I went to a wedding, ate too much, ate cake and now I feel awful, how do I get my head back in the right place?

I just want to tell you– its okay. YOU are okay. A person needs to think of their diet in terms of what they eat in the span of their life….not some temporary fix. If a diet is temporary, then what happens when it’s over? But- if our aim is to just eat well for a healthy life…that gives us more room to grow. Also- in life- there will be cake. You can’t propose to go the rest of your life without a piece of cake or some toast with butter. It’s not what you eat every day. Every day you are making great, strong, conscious choices. This is a wonderful thing you are doing for yourself…you are empowering yourself. So, I challenge you to own it, too, when you eat a piece of cake. You could approach it as– I want a piece of cake. I don’t have cake everyday…I am working out, I am eating very well. And right now I am allowing myself to enjoy a piece of cake. And tomorrow I will not have cake. You are a summary of everything you think/say/do…you are not 1 thing you ate. It sounds like you made a lot of changes to your style of living….and permanent change is an evolution and takes time. Be kind to yourself and allow for that time. Maybe the woman that is at a wedding next year won’t be in the mood for cake. Or- maybe she’ll know she has totally changed the nutrition of herself and family for the good– so she’ll know she can have that piece of cake and enjoy it!

Posted in: Nutrition