Tobacco smoke has a number of harmful health effects on the body. Although a cigarette can be replaced be with a pipe, cigar or hookah, it still affects your health enormously. When the ingredients in a cigarette burn, they release more than 7,000 poisonous chemicals. There is a close relationship between excessive smoking and cancer. Cigars and hookahs contain a higher level of toxins, carcinogens, and tar than a cigarette.

Excessive smoking affects different organs in the body and leads to life-threatening problems. Therefore it is important to limit or avoid smoking altogether.

Here are affected organs and systems if you smoke on a regular basis.

Respiratory System

  • Smoke has numerous harmful substances that affect your lungs. Over time, the lungs lose their ability and deteriorate their functioning, leading to the accumulation of harmful chemicals. Because the toxins are accumulated in the lungs, smokers are more prone to respiratory infections, flu, and colds.
  • Heavy smokers also face a higher risk of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and lung cancer because of the inflammation in lungs.
  • Smokers often suffer from temporary respiratory pain and congestion.
  • Breathing secondhand smoke also damages respiratory system. If parents smoke near their children, children are prone to wheezing, coughing and asthma attacks. They also suffer from ear infections. Moreover, smoking increases the risk of bronchitis and pneumonia in children whose parents are heavy smokers.

Central Nervous System

  • Cigarette contains nicotine that is a mood-altering. As a central nervous system stimulant, nicotine in cigarette makes you energized for a while. But after that, you may feel tired and have cigarette craving. It is a reason why smoking easily becomes addictive.
  • Heavy smokers are vulnerable to cataracts, macular degeneration, and poor eyesight. Smoking can lead to rapid weight loss because it reduces the appetite. You may find foods less enjoyable after smoking.
  • Regular smoking affects your cognitive functioning and leads to anxiety, depression, and irritation. Unwanted side effects of smoking also include sleep problems and headache.

Cardiovascular System

  • Smoking affects not only the central nervous system and respiratory system but also cardiovascular system. Cigarettes can damage your cardiovascular system and increase the risk of cardiovascular diseases because the nicotine in cigarette raises the blood sugar levels in the body. Moreover, nicotine tightens the blood vessels and restricts the blood circulation. Restricted blood circulation and flow may cause peripheral artery disease. Smoking increases bad cholesterol and leads the risk of blood clots.
  • Weakened blood vessels and blood clots are causes of stroke and coronary heart disease. If you smoke in the long term, you may be at more risk of blood cancer.
  • Cigarettes, cigars, pipes and hookahs affect not only smokers but also nonsmokers. Breathing smoke damages the cardiovascular system. Exposure to smoke can double the risk of heart attack, stroke, and coronary heart disease.

Digestive System

  • Heavy smokers are at a higher risk of oral problems and digestive issues. Excessive use of tobacco results in gum infection or inflammation. Heavy smokers may suffer from bad breath, tooth loss and tooth decay.
  • The habit of smoking causes cancer of the mouth, larynx, throat and esophagus. Heavy smokers are at increased risk of pancreatic and kidney cancer.
  • Moreover, smoking leads to insulin resistance and increases the risk of type 2 diabetes. Smokers may have rapid weight loss and nutrient deficiencies by reducing the appetite. Effects of tobacco products also include nausea.

Reproductive System and Sexuality

  • Restricted blood flow caused by heavy smoking results in erectile dysfunction. Smoking increases the risk of infertility in not only women but also men. Smoking results in early menopause. Moreover, this bad habit puts women at the increased risk of cervical cancer.
  • Pregnant women should not smoke or stay around smokers because they may experience complications such as problems with the placenta, miscarriage, and premature delivery.
  • Babies whose mothers smoke during the pregnancy are at higher risk of birth defects, low birth weight and sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). Babies who inhale secondhand smoke are more likely to experience asthma attacks and ear infections.

Integumentary System (Hair, Skin, and Nails)

  • Smoking also affects your skin. It damages the skin structure and leads to wrinkles, skin discoloration and premature aging. The skin and fingernails of smokers may have yellow staining.
  • There are yellow and brown stains on smoker’s teeth.
  • Smoking is expensive. You have to spend a lot of money if you are a smoker. A pack of cigarette costs differently by locations. In some states, they may cost about $5 to $10 per pack
  • It is not about the cost. This bad habit results in numerous health problems and chronic diseases. There is no better time to quit smoking than now.


Author Bio: Huyen My – Writer and Blogger, who has over 8 years of experience in Beauty & Skin Care industry. I work for and – reliable resources assisting people to resolve their health and life issues, as a content coordinator for categories including Health & Beauty. I also focus on fitness, women’s issues, relationship, and lifestyle. Find more of my articles on Facebook or Pinterest