Inflammation can have numerous causes and it can be either short-term or last several days. The best way to fight it is by adapting your diet to the needs of your body. Certain types of food can help your immune system fight the inflammation and get you back to your original healthy state in no time.

In this article, we will explore various diet options that you can apply in order to quickly and efficiently reduce the inflammation process in your body.

Cleanse your diet

The first step is getting rid of junk food. Anything you do not use to cook a meal has to go. Food containing processed sugar and preservatives along with chemically treated food should be excluded from your diet. Your body is already fighting an inflammation it should not waste resources on unhealthy food as well. You also need to take care of your digestive system so limiting your intake of alcohol, caffeine and red meat can significantly improve your digestive health.

Go green

Introduce a lot of colourful vegetables into your diet. For example, leafy greens like spinach and kale are rich in vitamin K and can help you fight inflammation. In addition, brassicas like Brussels sprouts contain sulphur-based compounds, which help reduce the pathways that cause inflammation. As far as fruits go, you should keep in mind that the pigment that gives fruits like cherries, raspberries, and blackberries their color can also help fight inflammation.

Don’t forget about herbs and spices

Herbs and spices are your best allies when fighting inflammation, they have the most effective properties.Either in their natural form or in the shape of tablets, they should be a vital part of your inflammation-fighting diet. You can include curcumin in your diet for joint inflammation. Another great option is adding antioxidant-rich herbs like basil, thyme and oregano to your diet, ideally fresh, and not processed.

Switch the oils

It is not just about which food you prepare, but also how you prepare it. Switching to olive oil is a must if you want to minimize your inflammation. It is rich in oleic acid, an omega-9 fatty acid that helps your body fight the process. Other similar types of oil which you can include in your diet are grapeseed and avocado oil. You can use them both in cooking and on salads, these types of oils are also good for your heart and brain activity.

Limit saturated fat intake

This does not mean excluding things like butter, whole milk, cheese or high-fat red meat completely, but it does require you to limit the amounts. Our body does not need a large daily intake of saturated fat in order to be healthy, on the other hand, daily excess intake can worsen your inflammation process. In order to help your body fight, you should include food rich in Omega-3 fatty acids, like tuna or salmon. And don’t forget about walnuts, almonds, sunflower seeds, and hazelnuts since they are also rich in Omega-3 fatty acids and can serve as a great snack option.

Magnesium modulates

First and foremost it is important to keep in mind that magnesium modulates cellular events involved in an inflammation. So even a slight magnesium imbalance could cause and underpin some inflammatory build ups. So simply put, by increasing your body’s concentration of magnesium you can actually cause a decrease in the inflammatory response. You just need to make sure you are using the right magnesium supplements. This will help you to fully reap the benefits of this great mineral.
 Disclaimer: SKFIT LIFE does not endorse any product or service mentioned in Guest Blog Posts, they are solely the opinion of the Guest Blogger.

So there you are the six most effective dietary tips that will help you manage your inflammation. Adjust your shopping list to include some or most of the items from this article and make sure you avoid the unhealthy options. Not just until the inflammation passes but afterwards as well so as to avoid any future issues. It is important to keep in mind that diet is not the only way to do this, you should also include stress-reducing techniques like yoga and meditation, along with sufficient sleep intervals. This will provide your body with the rest it needs in order to fight the inflammatory process efficiently.

Guest Blogger:  Luke Douglas,,